Interstate 229

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Interstate 229 constitutes an urban loop joining I-29/U.S. 71 with Downtown St. Joseph. I-229 extends north to I-29 near Amazonia, where U.S. 59/71 separate along a freeway west of Savannah. The freeway loop measures 14.98 miles in length. U.S. 59 overlaps with I-229 for 1.92 miles.

Interstate 229 Missouri Guides


The Double-Deck Bridge along I-229 parallels the Missouri River and Union Pacific Railroad lines on the west side of Downtown. Due to deterioration and age, the elevated structure will be demolished and replaced with an at-grade arterial. The Preferred Alternative was Alternative D, which became available for public review on August 15, 2024. (Williams, 2024) None of the alternatives evaluated retained Interstate 229 as a limited access corridor.

Interstate 229 scenes
Trailblazer posted at 4th and Charles Street in Downtown St. Joseph, one block east of the southbound on-ramp to I-229. 06/18/15
4th Street continues two blocks north from Edmond Street to Francis Street, which leads three blocks west to a northbound entrance ramp for Interstate 229/U.S. 59. 06/18/15
The northbound off-ramp to Downtown St. Joseph from I-229/U.S. 59 ties into Edmond Street, one block west of 4th Street. 06/18/15
Francis Street west forms a one way couplet with Felix Street east from the ramps to the Double-Deck Bridge along Interstate 229. 06/18/15
Francis Street west at the flyover to I-229/U.S. 59 north. Francis Street extends another two blocks to the Saint Joseph Riverwalk beside the Double-Deck Bridge. 06/18/15
A pair of I-229 trailblazers direct motorists onto Main Street south from Francis Street east from the Saint Joseph Riverwalk. 06/18/15
Main Street south turns onto Felix Street east ahead of 2nd Street and the I-229 southbound off-ramp to Downtown St. Joseph. Upcoming 3rd Street leads south one block to an entrance ramp for I-229 south. 06/18/15
Travelers headed to Interstate 229 north from Felix Street and the Saint Joseph Riverwalk are directed north onto 3rd Street one block to Francis Street west. 06/18/15
The I-229 trailblazer on 3rd Street north at Francis Street west was removed after 2008. 11/03/03
3rd Street south at Charles Street and the on-ramp for Interstate 229/U.S. 59 to U.S. 36 and Kansas City. 06/18/15
Charles Street west at I-229/U.S. 59 south. 06/18/15
Trailblazers direct motorists from Main Street north onto Jules Street east to 3rd Street south for the freeway on-ramp from Francis Street. 11/03/03
Highland Avenue east at the diamond interchange with Interstate 229 in St. Joseph. This older style shield was eventually replaced. 11/03/03
Former button copy sign for Interstate 229 south on Highland Avenue west. 11/03/03
Route K winds southward from the village of Amazonia to meet Interstate 229 at Exit 11. 11/03/16

  • Williams, J. (2024, August 18). MoDot’s design plans after I-229 Double Decker Bridge is removed.

Photo Credits:

  • 11/03/03 by Justin Cozart.
  • 06/18/15 by AARoads.
  • 11/03/16 by AARoads.

Connect with:
Interstate 29
U.S. 36

Page Updated 08-21-2024.

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