Illinois Route 35 travels 2.2 miles from U.S. 20 at the east end of the Julien Dubuque Bridge to become Wisconsin State Trunk Highway 35 at the state line north of East Dubuque. The route was formerly part of U.S. 61/151 between 1971 and 1982, when the original Eagle Point Bridge across the Mississippi at Dubuque was closed and until the Dubuque-Wisconsin Bridge opened.1
| A folded diamond interchange joins the east end of the Julien Dubuque Bridge with IL 35. A loop ramp connects U.S. 20 east with Wall Street west to 3rd Street and the state route northbound. 12/21/09 |
| Wall Street intersects 3rd Street at the business district of East Dubuque, where IL 35 travels one block north to become Wisconsin Avenue. 12/21/09 |
| Sinsinawa Avenue provides the link from U.S. 20 west to IL 35 north and from Wisconsin Avenue south onto the Julien Dubuque Bridge west. IL 35 north is signed as the route to both Wis 11 and La Crosse. 12/21/09 |
| IL 35 reassurance marker posted south of Sinsinawa Avenue. 12/21/09 |
| Passing by milepost 1.26 ahead of the intersection with Parklane Drive on IL 35 north. A handful of subdivisions line the state route to the Wisconsin line. 12/21/09 |
| IL 35 transitions into Wis 35 at Grant County. STH-35 heads 0.9 miles north to STH-11, where the route turns west to the freeway along U.S. 61/151. 12/21/09 |
Page Updated 03-15-2013.