State Road 912 (Cline Avenue)

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State Road 912 constitutes a 10.9 mile long expressway loop at Hammond and East Chicago in Northwestern Indiana. Cline Avenue runs north between the towns of Highland and Griffith to Little Calumet River. Continuing north along the Gary and Hammond city line, SR 912 meets I-80/94 (Frank Borman Expressway) at a cloverstack interchange and U.S. 12/20 (W 5th Avenue) at a cloverleaf.

U.S. 12 accompanies SR 912 (Cline Avenue) north to E Columbus Drive into the city of East Chicago. Cline Avenue arcs westward toward the Indiana Harbor Works industrial area and then onto the Cline Avenue Toll Bridge. The high level bridge spans the Indiana Harbor Canal and refineries west back into the city of Hammond. SR 912 concludes along I-90 (Indiana Toll Road) westbound, just beyond an exchange with U.S. 41 (Calumet Avenue).

Cline Avenue Toll Bridge

The Cline Avenue bridge over Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal was closed on November 14, 2009.4 Inspections discovered significant damage caused by cables, concrete, and support piers wearing out prematurely. The elevated roadway opened in 1982. When it did, Cline Avenue carried 80,000 vehicles per day (vpd). That number dropped significantly in recent years to just 30,000 vpd.1

State Road 912 (Cline Avenue) remained open from I-80/94 (Borman Expressway) to Michigan Avenue (Exit 5A) in east Chicago. Improvements to area streets were made for traffic from west Hammond to local steel mills and Lake Michigan casinos.1 A 1.39 mile long stretch of roadway including Riley Road northeast from Cline Avenue to Dickey Road southeast to Michigan Avenue was added to the State Road system temporarily to provide continuity between the two segments of SR 912 by July 2010. A $2.2 million project reconstructed the Cline Avenue on-ramp from Riley Road in conjunction with the reroute of SR 912.3

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) announced on July 1, 2011 that the non-bridge option was chosen for SR 912 due to the decreased traffic volume that the route carried. Plans outlined a $70 million permanent detour, including a new ramp from SR 912 east to Dickey Road to be opened by Summer 2012.4.

However by May 16, 2012,6 East Chicago Mayor Anthony Copeland announced a plan with a private company that intended on replacing the span with a toll bridge. INDOT and United Bridge Partners of Tallahassee, Florida reached an agreement in August 2012 to transfer the bridge right of way, allowing the private company to proceed with work on the replacement.5 Tolls were anticipated to be as high as $2.50.6

Demolition of the closed structure was put out for bid in November 2011 and completed on January 8, 2013.5 The closed span was used for scenes in the 2011 movie Transformers: Dark of the Moon.6

Work broke ground on the Cline Avenue Toll Bridge in 2016. Supported by 29 cast-in-place concrete columns, the 6,236 foot long span ties into a reconstructed steel viaduct to the east. Costing $150 million,7 the Cline Avenue Toll Bridge was completed on December 23, 2020. All electronic tolling commenced on February 1, 2021.8

Indiana State Road 912 / Cline Avenue East
SR 912 (Cline Avenue) commences from eastbound I-90 (Indiana Toll Road) just ahead of a folded diamond interchange (Exit 1) with U.S. 41 (Calumet Avenue) in northwest Hammond. 01/18/21
U.S. 41 (Calumet Avenue) runs north to U.S. 12/20 (Indianapolis Boulevard) near Whiting and south through Hammond to I-80-94/U.S. 6 (Borman Expressway). 05/24/08
An electronic toll collection gantry operates at the west end of the Cline Avenue Toll Bridge. 01/18/21
The Cline Avenue Toll Bridge accommodates two 12 foot wide travel lanes with nine foot shoulders. SR 912 elevates by a number of petroleum storage tanks and across Indiana Harbor Canal along the ensuing stretch. 01/18/21
The Cline Avenue Toll Bridge ties into the old viaduct system of SR 912 ahead of Dickey Road. 01/18/21
Michigan Avenue stems northeast from Kennedy Avenue, separating the industrial area of East Chicago with a residential street grid. The avenue directly ties into the overpass connecting with East Chicago Marina on Lake Michigan. 05/24/08
Ameristar Casino East Chicago lies adjacent to East Chicago Marina by Jeorse Park on Lake Michigan. 05/24/08
Exit 5B was a loop ramp connecting SR 912 (Cline Avenue) with the Inland Steel Overpass tothe ArcelorMittal Plant and East Chicago Marina. 05/24/08
Indiana State Road 912 South
Exit 6A departs in one half mile for the Cline Avenue southbound frontage road to Guthrie Street, U.S. 12 (Columbus Drive) west and SR 312 (Chicago Avenue) west. SR 912 straddles the East Chicago and Gary city line from Exit 6A southward to U.S. 20. 05/24/08
The first SR 912 reassurance shield is posted as the cardinal direction switch from eastbound to southbound. Exit 5B along SR 912 (Cline Avenue) west joins the freeway directly with Jeorse Park in this scene. 05/24/08
Industrial Highway and Chicago Avenue east into Gary were decommissioned as U.S. 12 and SR 312 respectively. U.S. 12 now follows SR 912 (Cline Avenue) south to U.S. 20 (5th Avenue) east in Gary. SR 312 begins at Cline Avenue and travels west 5.7 miles to the Illinois state line at Hammond. 05/24/08
Exit 6A leaves SR 912 (Cline Avenue) south for Guthrie Street at Buffington Harbor Drive. Buffington Harbor Drive travels east to the Gary Riverboat Casino area. Cline Avenue's southbound frontage road otherwise continues to Gary Avenue. 05/24/08
Industrial Highway angles southeast from Columbus Drive and U.S. 12 to Gary/Chicago International Airport (GYY) and Downtown Gary via West 4th Avenue. The route carried U.S. 12 until the 2004 relocation onto Cline Avenue.2 05/24/08
U.S. 12 East Indiana State Road 912 South
U.S. 12/SR 912 (Cline Avenue) advance south to Exit 7 for Gary Avenue and the access road to I-90 (Indiana Toll Road). 05/24/08
Interstate 90 bends northwest from the exchange (Exit 10) with Gary Avenue to Hammond and Chicago and continues east to Downtown Gary and Lake Station. 05/24/08
A slip ramp provides return access onto Cline Avenue south from SR 312 (Chicago Avenue). Gary Avenue mainly provides the route to Interstate 90, but also spurs into a storage tank facility west of U.S. 12/SR 912. 05/24/08
Southbound motorists pass over the Grand Calumet River and Interstate 90 on the approach to Exits 8A/B with U.S. 20 (Michigan Street). The cloverleaf interchange represents the departure point of U.S. 12 east onto Michigan Street and the tripoint where Gary, East Chicago, and Hammond meet. 05/24/08
SR 912 southbound shield sans U.S. 12 at the Indiana East West Toll Road under crossing. 05/24/08
U.S. 20 follows Michigan Street along the Hammond and East Chicago line to SR 152 and the northerly turn onto Indianapolis Boulevard. 05/24/08
Exit 8A leaves U.S. 12/SR 912 south for U.S. 20 (Michigan Street) west. U.S. 12 parts ways with SR 912 via Exit 8B for U.S. 20 (5th Avenue) east into Gary. 05/24/08
U.S. 12/20 follow 5th Avenue to a one way couplet through Downtown with 4th Avenue. U.S. 12/20 continue east along Dunes Highway to the north end of I-65 and the Aetna section of east Gary. 05/24/08
Indiana State Road 912 South
A modified diamond interchange (Exit 9) next joins SR 912 (Cline Avenue) south with 15th Avenue east to Gary and 169th Street west to Hammond. 05/24/08
SR 912 reassurance shield posted by the Ivanhoe community of west Gary. 05/24/08
15th Avenue leads east to the Tolleston section of Gary. 169th Street continues the road west to Hessville and U.S. 41 (Calumet Avenue) in Hammond. 05/24/08
Exit 9 joins a southbound side frontage road at Tennessee Avenue before intersecting 169th Street west of 15th Avenue and the Gary city line. The frontage roads continue south to 173rd Street and 21st Avenue. SR 912 continues to a cloverstack interchange with I-80-94/U.S. 6 (Frank Borman Expressway). 05/24/08
I-80/94 overlap for 18.53 miles along the Kingery and Borman Expressways between Lansing, Illinois and Lake Station, Indiana. U.S. 6 joins the freeway between Lake Station and Torrence Avenue in Illinois. 05/24/08
A two lane ramp departs SR 912 south for I-80/94 west to Chicago and Joliet and I-80/94 east to South Bend and Michigan City. 05/24/08
A flyover links SR 912 south at Exit 10B with I-80-94/U.S. 6 (Borman Expressway) east. 05/24/08
Indiana State Road 912 North
SR 912 (Cline Avenue) northbound at the cloverstack interchange with I-80/94-U.S. 6 (Borman Expressway). 11/04/11
SR 912 straddles the Hammond and Gary city line northward from the Little Calumet River to the Grand Calumet River and East Chicago municipal boundary. A modified diamond interchange (Exit 9) follows in 0.75 miles with E 169th Street (Hammond) and W 15th Avenue (Gary). 11/04/11
169th Street leads west from Exit 9 through a mixture of industrial and residential neighborhoods at SR 912 to Hessville, Osborn, Woodmar and U.S. 41 (Calumet Avenue). 11/04/11
Reassurance marker for SR 912 north posted north of the NS Railroad under crossing. Frontage streets parallel the six lane freeway to 173rd Street / 21st Avenue and Exit 9. 11/04/11
A lane drop occurs at Exit 9 for 169th Street west into Hammond and 15th Avenue east into Gary. W 15th Avenue continues east toward the Telleston neighborhood of Gary and Grant Street. 11/04/11
U.S. 12 east (W 5th Avenue) and U.S. 20 (Michigan Street) convege with SR 912 (Cline Avenue) the a cloverleaf interchange at Exits 8. Exit 9 follows for Gary Avenue west and the Indiana Toll Road. 11/04/11
SR 912 approaches Gibson Woods Nature Preserve and a series of railroad lines ahead of U.S. 12/20 (Exits 8B/A) and the Grand Calumet River. 11/04/11
U.S. 12/20 combine along W 5th Avenue from Exit 8B into Gary. Originally U.S. 12 followed Industrial Drive northwest to Exit 6. U.S. 12 was rerouted onto Cline Avenue between W 5th Avenue and Columbus Drive in 2004. 11/04/11
Exit 8B leaves SR 912 (Cline Avenue) north onto U.S. 12/20 (W 5th Avenue) into Gary. U.S. 12/20 run east to Downtown and part ways near the Aetna area in east Gary. The two parallel one another through Portage, Burns Harbor and Michigan City. 11/04/11
U.S. 20 follows Michigan Street west into Hammond from U.S. 12/SR 912, overtaking Indianapolis Boulevard from SR 152 northward onto East Chicago. U.S. 20 rejoins U.S. 12 in north Hammond. 11/04/11
U.S. 12 West Indiana State Road 912 North
U.S. 12/SR 912 north pass over the Indiana Toll Road ahead of Exit 7. Gary Avenue stems northwest from the Indiana Toll Road access road to a storage tank field and Parrish Avenue in East Chicago. 11/04/11
SR 912 reassurance marker posted by Interstate 90. U.S. 12 is only acknowledged along guide signs on Cline Avenue. 11/04/11
Exit 7 loops onto Gary Avenue between a frontage road system accompanying U.S. 12/SR 912 (Cline Avenue) north. The frontage roads link with SR 312 (Chicago Avenue) and Columbus Drive at Exit 6. 11/04/11
The access road for the Indiana Toll Road ties into I-90 at Exit 10. Interstate 90 follows all of the Indiana Toll Road and the Chicago Skyway northwest into Chicago and east to South Bend and the Ohio Turnpike to Toledo and Cleveland. 11/04/11
Trailblazers for I-90 and the Indiana Toll Road at Gary Road. 11/04/11

  1. "Cline Avenue bridge will be demolished." Northwest Indiana Times, December 29, 2009.
  2. Indiana Highway Ends - US 12 (HighwayExplorer).
  3. "INDOT gains section of East Chicago roadways." ChiTown Traffic Tattler, July 14, 2010.
  4. "INDOT: Cline Avenue bridge won't be rebuilt." Northwest Indiana Times, July 1, 2011.
  5. "End of the road for Cline Avenue Bridge." The Times of Northwest Indiana, January 9, 2013.
  6. "Cline Avenue Bridge to be rebuilt as toll road." WBEZ, May 16, 2012.
  7. Project Profile: Cline Avenue Toll Bridge, East Chicago, Indiana. FHWA - Center for Innovative Finance Support.
  8. "Cline Avenue Bridge Celebrates Return to Community." Cline Avenue Bridge, press release. December 23, 2020.

Photo Credits:

  • 05/24/08 by AARoads.
  • 11/04/11 by AARoads.
  • 01/18/21 by Peter Johnson.

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Page Updated 07-16-2021.

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