| SR 273 (Nottingham Road) intersects Wedgewood and Jackson Hall School Roads just before crossing the Maryland state line. The two roads link Nottingham Road with SR 896 (New London Road) and Appleton Road respectively. Progressing across the state line, Nottingham Road becomes Telegraph Road. 06/26/10 |
| The first westbound shield for MD 273 stands just beyond the state line. The state route is also the Mason and Dixon Scenic Byway. 01/19/00 |
| Cecil County welcome sign preceding the intersection with Little Egypt Road north along MD 273 (Telegraph Road) westbound. 06/26/10 |
| Westbound MD 273 reassurance marker posted after Little Egypt Road. Little Egypt Road travels southward from MSR 896 (New London Road) to Telegraph Road around the Glen Farms subdivision. 06/26/10 |
| Converted to a roundabout by Spring 2018, MD 273 (Telegraph Road) next meets Appleton Road. Appleton Road joins Elkton with Kemblesville, Pennsylvania. A set of flashers were added at the previously intersection in the late 1990s following the addition of a gas station on the northwest corner. Appleton Road is designated as MD 316 south of MD 277 (Fletchwood Road). 05/21/07 |
| Continuing west from Appleton Road, MD 273 (Telegraph Road) lowers 190 feet in elevation to cross Big Elk Creek within the Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area. 12/21/07 |
| Descending into the scenic Big Elk Creek valley between Appleton and Fair Hill on MD 273 (Telegraph Road) west. 05/21/07 |
| Offering hiking, equestrian activities, and bicycling, Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area spreads over 5,613 acres. Stonehouse Lane, a short residential street, spurs from MD 273 beyond forthcoming Big Elk Creek. 12/21/07 |
| Heading into Fair Hill, MD 273 rises around 250 feet in elevation from Big Elk Creek. A traffic light follows with MD 213. 06/26/10 |
| MD 213 follows Singlery Road south from Fair Hill to Elkton and Lewisville Road north to PA 841 at Lewisville. 06/26/10 |
| Traffic lights at MD 273/213 operate in split phases. An I-95 trailblazer directs motorists to remain along Telegraph Road west to MD 272 (Chrome Road) south. 05/21/07 |
| Leading away from Fair Hill, MD 273 lowers 138 feet to cross Little Elk Creek at Rock Church and Little Elk Creek Roads. 05/21/07 |
| MD 273 (Telegraph Road) west at the roundabout constructed with Blue Ball Road. Blue Ball Road leads southeast from Blue Ball to become part of MD 545 from Childs to Elkton. 01/02/19 |
| Reassurance marker posted west of Harrington Drive along MD 273 (Rising Sun Road). The state route vacates the town of Rising Sun on the ascent toward MD 276. 07/25/04 |
| The former signalized intersection at MD 273 (Rising Sun Road) and MD 276 (Jacob Tome Memorial Highway) was reconstructed as a roundabout in 2003-04. 07/25/04 |
| MD 276 (Jacob Tome Memorial Highway) travels between U.S. 1 and MD 222 at Port Deposit. 07/25/04 |
| The former truck route for MD 222 overlapped with MD 276 (Jacob Tome Memorial Highway) southward from U.S. 1 to MD 275 (Perrylawn Drive) near Woodlawn. 07/25/04 |
| MD 273 extends another 0.66 miles west through Harrisville to U.S. 1 (Conowingo Road). MD 276 connects with U.S. 1 in 0.465 miles. 07/25/04 |
Page Updated 12-13-2018.