
Steadily making progress

Number of pages converted Remaining html pages We are steadily making progress with the site wide conversion for the remaining html pages. The bulk of what remains is in California, and the Westerns states in general, in addition to 200 plus pages on It will be some time before we can get through them all, and in the meantime we will mix in some new content [...]

By |2018-02-15T11:06:01-05:00February 15th, 2018|Meta, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Steadily making progress

AARoads Sitewide Revamp

This week's long awaited site change to use a content management system (CMS) based design culminates over 18 months of work. As site visitors may have noticed, blog entries, updates on the main page and Interstate-Guide, and new content additions trickled down due to the back end work. A lot of back and forth with Matt over at TWCClassics, who helped tremendously with both coding and also teaching, and assistance [...]

By |2018-01-20T08:39:56-05:00January 20th, 2018|Administrative|Comments Off on AARoads Sitewide Revamp

the next AARoads destination?

A photo I took last night of our nearest celestial neighbor. I finally got my telescope-to-Nikon mount set up, so I experimented away! the blue dot at the upper left is the star Spica, about 260 light years distant.

By |2018-01-13T18:11:03-05:00July 16th, 2013|Astronomy|4 Comments

Alaska and Washington, Sept. 2012 part IV

The last part of our northwest trip. These are all from Washington; primarily the Bellingham area. The only state-named shield we found north of Seattle. It’s in Bellingham. Smoky sunset in Bellingham. Fires in the Ellensburg, about 150 miles to the southwest. The smoke yields some unusually deep colors. Rocket Donuts in downtown Bellingham features this rocket in front of the building. A 1950s Chevrolet sits rusting by the side [...]

By |2018-01-13T18:39:30-05:00October 30th, 2012|Interstate Highways, U. S. Highways, Washington, Weather|3 Comments

Alaska and Washington, Sept. 2012 part III

Moose in the morning. The leaves are changing color. This – and the 1 mile advance sign just to the north – are the only button copy signs I know of in Alaska. Heading back down to Anchorage. I made this photo black and white because there just wasn’t all that much color to begin with! […]

By |2018-01-13T18:45:07-05:00October 25th, 2012|Alaska, Weather|1 Comment

Alaska and Washington, Sept. 2012 part II

After the Arctic Circle, we head south and then west to Manley Hot Springs, before returning to Anchorage. The Dalton Highway is numbered 11 – but there are very few signs for it. Ducking between clouds for sunset. And here’s the northern lights, from Manley Hot Springs! […]

By |2018-01-13T18:47:06-05:00October 18th, 2012|Alaska, Weather|1 Comment

Alaska and Washington, Sept. 2012 part I

Interrupting the Mexico photos, we now bring you a week-long trip in two stages: several days driving all over Alaska, and several in Washington. This first batch is the flight to Anchorage, and an attempt to drive the Dalton Highway all the way up to the Arctic Ocean at Deadhorse. How far will we make it? Fjords of British Columbia, as seen from a Seattle to Anchorage flight. Typical Dalton [...]

By |2018-01-13T18:48:41-05:00October 3rd, 2012|Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Weather|3 Comments

northern Canada Sept ’11 part III

And here is the rest of day 2 in Alberta and Northwest Territories… the sunset and the northern lights! Sunset, over one of Canada’s innumerable boreal forests. A pair of otters. If anyone wonders why I spend so much time between blog posts… it’s the sheer quantity of photos I have to process. I took about 200 just of these otters! (One came out.) Full moon, perched on top of [...]

By |2018-01-13T20:03:57-05:00December 5th, 2011|Alberta, Northwest Territories, Weather|4 Comments
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