
Rocky Mountains July ’11 part V

We resume this batch of pictures with a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. Very close to the park entrance, we get this view. An elk calf! Young elk are surprisingly hard to spot, because their mothers tend to keep them very well hidden away. Certainly the first time I’ve ever seen one! A pair of bighorn sheep. That might be literally correct, as it is a ram [...]

By |2018-01-13T20:24:15-05:00September 29th, 2011|Colorado, Interstate Highways, U. S. Highways|6 Comments

Rocky Mountains July ’11 part IV

We pick up in Iowa, where we decide to stop heading east in order to get to New Mexico. We see flooding along the Missouri River, and catch a thunderstorm in Kansas. Minimum maintenance road. Flooding causes standing water. Standing water causes mosquitoes and other insects. A fresh source of food means the dragonflies grow fat and happy. This one was about three inches long, with a five inch wingspan. [...]

Rocky Mountains Dec ’07 part VII

We pick up in Colorado, December 2007 – where a snowstorm has just subsided, and we thus prepare to cross the Rockies, crossing our fingers hoping that it does not pick up again and render unto us blinding whiteout conditions. Of course, it does. Red rocks in winter. Colorado state highway 149 – just barely on the western side of the Rockies, after we cross on US-50 across Monarch Pass. [...]

By |2018-01-17T09:32:36-05:00September 23rd, 2010|Colorado, Old Trails, U. S. Highways|2 Comments

Rocky Mountains Dec ’07 part VI

South Dakota. US-16 and interstate 90. And a wee bit of Wyoming and Colorado in the evening. December 2007. Grim winter. 18×18 I-90 shield. 1957 specs. And, more interestingly, an embossed arrow to point the way. Since the 1957 specification called for white, not blue, arrows, they took a 1948-spec arrow that they had lying around and used it to point to the new freeway. This is the sign find [...]

By |2018-01-17T09:32:08-05:00September 15th, 2010|Colorado, Interstate Highways, South Dakota, U. S. Highways, Wyoming|3 Comments

Rocky Mountains Dec ’07 part IV

Here are photos from Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. I woke up in Wyoming after being awake for 80+ hours, experiencing near-total biological failure and thus getting a lease on a $26 motel room and my continued sanity. I headed south to visit my friend Brian, then was about to turn back west to take photos of the Rockies… before noting that a Snowstorm of Usual Occurrence was blowing through [...]

By |2018-01-17T09:31:20-05:00August 31st, 2010|Colorado, Interstate Highways, Kansas, Nebraska, U. S. Highways, Wyoming|1 Comment

Route 66 with Kevin 0

Pictures of a trip from November, 2009. Kevin Trinkle and I poked around some of Colorado before taking a trip through New Mexico, down to Route 66, and eastward to Texas. Here is the first day, and it involves no Route 66 whatsoever. Just Colorado and New Mexico. Here’s sunset on the first day, on Johnson Mesa – New Mexico state highway 72 just east of Raton. […]

By |2018-01-17T14:18:26-05:00April 4th, 2010|Colorado, Interstate Highways, New Mexico, U. S. Highways, Weather|Comments Off on Route 66 with Kevin 0

Antelope Canyon III

And, finally, we have the third part of the trip – from Antelope Canyon to New Mexico. Daniel Brim and I, driving a cargo van… always fun exploring narrow old roads in a big old vehicle like that! Here’s a 1950s Indian road sign! Complete with peeling numbers on some of the oldest engineer grade (does not fade to green) scotchlite I have ever seen. They invented the stuff in [...]

By |2018-01-17T14:25:21-05:00December 30th, 2009|Arizona, Colorado, Interstate Highways, New Mexico, U. S. Highways, Utah|2 Comments

three corners

Photos from Kansas, Colorado, and Oklahoma (and the single point in which they intersect) from September, 2009 – and some New Mexico, and a really, really small quantity of Texas. This is the New Mexico/Colorado/Oklahoma triple point. Dale takes this opportunity to breathe some refreshing Oklahoma air, and drink some water he has brought with him from New Mexico – and park in two states at the same time. Dale [...]

By |2018-01-17T14:29:24-05:00November 22nd, 2009|Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, U. S. Highways|13 Comments

New Mexico (like Utah, only different)

More from my New Mexico trip of November 2008, including some actual New Mexico this time. On the mountain pass between Chama, New Mexico, and Cumbres, Colorado – both states call this one highway 17. The sky was dark blue, just after sunrise – the snow is that bright, and there is just that little atmosphere, at 10,000 feet. Sunset over the plains of northeast New Mexico. Old US-64 (now [...]

Denver Notes

I was in Denver this weekend for the big IMTA map convention, and took a lot of photos of I-25, I-70, and I-225. I-25 and I-225 were under construction for many years as part of a rebuilding process called T-Rex. The project involved adding lanes, bridges, and two rail lines along the interstate corridors. The end result is impressive. Through Arapahoe County, I-25 is an unrelenting 10 lanes [...]

By |2018-01-13T16:38:14-05:00September 20th, 2006|Colorado, Interstate Highways, Maps|Comments Off on Denver Notes
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