New Jersey

Updates January 9, 2020 – Illinois, Philadelphia

Happy New Year! Spent part of the holidays going through a few thousand photos covering Illinois Interstates to fill in some page gaps for I-57 and I-80, plus finally make a page for Interstate 180. Interstate 57 north at the Tri State Tollway (I-294) at Markham, Illinois. The first of six ramps at the exchange opened in 2014. 06/20/15 Prior to 2014, Interstate 57 and the [...]

By |2020-02-16T10:43:50-05:00January 9th, 2020|Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Updates|Comments Off on Updates January 9, 2020 – Illinois, Philadelphia

Interstate 76 / 295 / NJ 42 Direct Connection

Another major project underway in the Philadelphia is area is the $900 million upgrade of the junction where Interstate 295 ties into I-76 and NJ 42 (North South Freeway) at Bellmawr. Studies outlined deficiencies with the interchange, including geometric conditions and the lack of a direct connection for I-295 through movements, in addition to the need to improve traffic safety. Eleven improvement alternatives were evaluated, with four selected for further [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:19:29-05:00January 6th, 2017|Interstate Highways, New Jersey|3 Comments

Some updates from around the country (TN, OR, NJ)

Most of our Tennessee coverage is now online, including more photos of Interstate 40 east of Knoxville and Interstate 75 north of Knoxville, all courtesy of Carter Buchanan in 2005. Also for those unaware, Interstate 40 is set to close for 14 months near downtown Knoxville as part of the SmartFix project. Smartfix is a complete reconstruction of an almost two-mile stretch of freeway and viaduct. Some information regarding that project and an [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:21:05-05:00April 14th, 2008|New Jersey, Oregon, Tennessee|1 Comment

Boston and Vermont Roadtrip (Day 9 – Lake Champlain, VT to Delaware)

Since our friends decided to leave early, we followed suit and made a day out of it on the way back south. Decided on Interstate 89 south to check out the Barre Connectors first, both of which appear as freeways on maps sometimes, but really are expressway-like roads with no private driveways. Vermont 62 spurs east from Exit 7 into northern Barre, complete with a connector leading to U.S. 302. [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:21:26-05:00September 12th, 2007|Interstate Highways, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont|1 Comment

Boston and Vermont Roadtrip (Day 1 – Delaware to Boston, MA)

The beginning of a week plus trip that took us northward from Delaware/Philadelphia to Boston for several days and from there to Lake Champlain in Vermont for a 5-day vacation... We started our journey just south of the Pennsylvania state line, beginning first with a visit to the Pennsylvania Welcome Center to obtain the latest copy of the Pennsylvania State Highway Map. Construction is present along all of Interstate 95 [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:21:41-05:00August 12th, 2007|Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania|3 Comments

New Dead Interstate find?

I scored a batch of 1950s-70s highway maps from the New Castle Flea Market in Delaware on Saturday, including a 1959 AAA Northeast Map that displays an Interstate designation I have never seen before. When finding proposed designations, one has to use some skepticism, especially when not discovering such a route on any other maps. Maps are not always that accurate, and some changes such as proposed lines, designations, etc. are [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:21:43-05:00May 22nd, 2007|Interstate Highways, New Jersey, Pennsylvania|5 Comments

New York City area bridges

My mind wanders a lot, especially about roads, and tonight ever so randomly I was thinking of bridges, and bridges in New York City and its metro in particular. So with that stated I thought I would share some images of bridges not covered on AARoads or new coverage not yet added. These images will eventually be added to North East Roads @ AARoads, but for now here's a few [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:22:32-05:00August 20th, 2006|New Jersey, New York|3 Comments
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