North Dakota

Observations from the road: Fargo to Omaha

Day five of our Midwest/Great Plains trip took us from a start in West Fargo southward along the I-29 corridor to the Council Bluffs, Iowa and Omaha, Nebraska area. A cloudy and drizzly morning appeared to be setting the stage for another murky day, but as it progressed, the clouds finally lifted resulting in a great day to explore some roads. Construction is underway along Business Loop I-94 & U.S. [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:19:53-05:00July 9th, 2015|Highways, Interstate Highways, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, U. S. Highways|Comments Off on Observations from the road: Fargo to Omaha

Observations from the road: Minneapolis to the Canadian Border and Fargo

Day four saw the end of our sojourn to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area as it was time to move onward to our next destinations. On this day we traveled along I-94 to Fargo, North Dakota where we hooked up with I-29 north for Grand Forks and a stop near the Canadian border. Fargo remained on the scope as the resting place for day five. Drivers are afforded panoramic [...]

Fargo(ne) Conclusion

Adding another new state to the Midwest section, North Dakota @ AARoads covers photos taken last April in and around the Fargo area. Coverage mainly focuses on Interstate 29 & U.S. 81, Interstate 94 & U.S. 52, and Business Loop Interstate 94 & U.S. 10. Both freeways expand to six lanes through Fargo, with the expansion project of Interstate 29 still underway that includes a redesign of the 52nd Avenue [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:21:06-05:00March 31st, 2008|North Dakota|1 Comment

Upper Midwest Trip – Day 3 (Minneapolis, MN to Fargo, ND)

Spent the morning in west Minneapolis and then headed west to Fargo and south to Sisseton, South Dakota. Heavy rains washed out the majority of the afternoon as I returned east along state highways and U.S. 12. As usual, some highlights and photos are found below. While Minnesota 100 is a full freeway now, elements of its past as a lesser route remain in the form of old [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:21:54-05:00May 2nd, 2007|Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota|Comments Off on Upper Midwest Trip – Day 3 (Minneapolis, MN to Fargo, ND)
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