
January 2021 Update Summary

A lot of changes and updated content on AARoads since the first of the year. Went through all of the remaining html pages for Pennsylvania in January and converted them into the WordPress format. Several of these pages were not touched since they were originally created in the early 2000s.  Also added photos from various trips throughout the state between 2005 and 2012 and most of the photos taken [...]

By |2021-03-01T11:30:00-05:00February 24th, 2021|Pennsylvania, Updates|Comments Off on January 2021 Update Summary

Updates January 1, 2021

Happy New Year! Like many other road enthusiasts, we wrapped up a somewhat low key year as far as travel in 2020. This included one major trip and several day trips in state. Personally I finished up the year with one final trip to the Mid-Atlantic over part of the holidays, although my travels once at my destination were somewhat limited. The bulk of the drive north and back [...]

By |2021-02-24T12:21:02-05:00January 1st, 2021|Delaware, Pennsylvania, Updates|Comments Off on Updates January 1, 2021

Updates January 9, 2020 – Illinois, Philadelphia

Happy New Year! Spent part of the holidays going through a few thousand photos covering Illinois Interstates to fill in some page gaps for I-57 and I-80, plus finally make a page for Interstate 180. Interstate 57 north at the Tri State Tollway (I-294) at Markham, Illinois. The first of six ramps at the exchange opened in 2014. 06/20/15 Prior to 2014, Interstate 57 and the [...]

By |2020-02-16T10:43:50-05:00January 9th, 2020|Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Updates|Comments Off on Updates January 9, 2020 – Illinois, Philadelphia

The many Interstate designation changes of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania currently has 22 signed Interstate highways, with the planned extension of I-295 west from Trenton, New Jersey set to add another later this year. With two major metropolitan areas, and several medium sized cities as well, the state sees an array of Interstate loops and spurs. Several of the main routes appeared on the August 2, 1947 National System of Interstate Highways map. Following the Federal-Aid Highway Act of [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:19:27-05:00January 23rd, 2017|Pennsylvania|Comments Off on The many Interstate designation changes of Pennsylvania

PA Turnpike / I-95 Interchange Update – December 2016

Spent a couple weeks in Delaware for the holidays and took the opportunity to redocument several of the Philadelphia area Interstates. The bulk of our current pages were last updated in the mid 2000s, and since then several upgrades, sign replacements, and other changes were made. The biggest project underway in the Delaware Valley is the PA Turnpike / I-95 Interchange Project. The multi-year project got started in 2010 with [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:19:29-05:00January 6th, 2017|Pennsylvania, United States|Comments Off on PA Turnpike / I-95 Interchange Update – December 2016

Terrible Towel

The Pittsburgh Steelers go for an unprecedented seventh world championship in Superbowl XLV. Exiting the Fort Pitt Tunnel onto the double-decked Fort Pitt Bridge is the city's finest roadgeek view including multiple bridges, high rises, Heinz Field, PNC Park, etc. Photo taken July 12, 2010 by AARoads' avid Steelers fan! Extended Interstate 376 east meeting its original end by downtown Pittsburgh. Fort Pitt Bridge - June 12, 2010. [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:20:21-05:00January 31st, 2011|Highways, Interstate Highways, Pennsylvania|3 Comments

WV-OH-KY Trip – Day 3 (Cleveland, Erie, Pittsburgh)

Day 3 of the trip focused on documenting the Cleveland area Interstates, walking around Public Square in downtown, heading east to Pennsylvania to redrive the extended Interstate 376, and revisiting the city of Pittsburgh. Orange cones, barriers and signs were omnipresent throughout northeast Ohio and western Pennsylvania related to numerous resurfacing and bridge rehabilitation projects. Some of the more major road projects we encountered are highlighted below. Sign [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:20:23-05:00October 6th, 2010|Interstate Highways, Ohio, Pennsylvania, U. S. Highways|4 Comments

New section of Interstate 99 to open

Officials hoped to open Interstate 99 on December 2, but a delay in the installation of highway signs pushed that date back to a time between December 12 and 19. When it opens, northbound drivers will be able to seamlessly travel from Bald Eagle to State College Skytop / Port Matilda along new freeway. Southbound drivers however must wait until mid-2008 to fully use the freeway, as crews continue to [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:21:24-05:00December 5th, 2007|Interstate Highways, Pennsylvania|7 Comments

Boston and Vermont Roadtrip (Day 9 – Lake Champlain, VT to Delaware)

Since our friends decided to leave early, we followed suit and made a day out of it on the way back south. Decided on Interstate 89 south to check out the Barre Connectors first, both of which appear as freeways on maps sometimes, but really are expressway-like roads with no private driveways. Vermont 62 spurs east from Exit 7 into northern Barre, complete with a connector leading to U.S. 302. [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:21:26-05:00September 12th, 2007|Interstate Highways, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont|1 Comment

Boston and Vermont Roadtrip (Day 1 – Delaware to Boston, MA)

The beginning of a week plus trip that took us northward from Delaware/Philadelphia to Boston for several days and from there to Lake Champlain in Vermont for a 5-day vacation... We started our journey just south of the Pennsylvania state line, beginning first with a visit to the Pennsylvania Welcome Center to obtain the latest copy of the Pennsylvania State Highway Map. Construction is present along all of Interstate 95 [...]

By |2018-01-18T15:21:41-05:00August 12th, 2007|Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania|3 Comments
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