
Rocky Mountains July ’11 part III

The longest swath of the Fourth of July trip that we’ll feature in one set of photos: about 800 miles covered in this burst. Continuing on US-212 across eastern Montana, to get to South Dakota, and then driving through the Black Hills at the time of day when they are the blackest. We then continue into Nebraska, and drive US-20 east all the way to Iowa. Endless fields of yellow [...]

Rocky Mountains July ’11 part II

We continue on the Fourth of July trip … across Beartooth Pass we go, on US-212. One of the most scenic drives to be found anywhere. Squeezing in the last of morning light. This sign might very well date back to when US-12 in Wyoming was renumbered to US-212 in 1963! There are very few US-212 shields in Wyoming. About 9500 feet up the pass. This view is in infrared, [...]

By |2018-01-13T20:27:07-05:00July 27th, 2011|Montana, Old Trails, U. S. Highways, Wyoming|1 Comment

Rocky Mountains July ’11 part I

The Fourth of July trip. Undertaken by Daniel Brim and me. Our usual arrangement holds – we take approximately identical photos, and try not to hit any raccoons and/or rabbits. Our destination is sunny Union County, New Mexico – by way of Beartooth Pass, Sioux City, and various other places that call into question our ability to drive in a straight line. We fly into Salt Lake City airport, and [...]

By |2018-01-13T20:27:55-05:00July 16th, 2011|U. S. Highways, Wyoming|7 Comments

Rocky Mountains Dec ’07 part VI

South Dakota. US-16 and interstate 90. And a wee bit of Wyoming and Colorado in the evening. December 2007. Grim winter. 18×18 I-90 shield. 1957 specs. And, more interestingly, an embossed arrow to point the way. Since the 1957 specification called for white, not blue, arrows, they took a 1948-spec arrow that they had lying around and used it to point to the new freeway. This is the sign find [...]

By |2018-01-17T09:32:08-05:00September 15th, 2010|Colorado, Interstate Highways, South Dakota, U. S. Highways, Wyoming|3 Comments

Rocky Mountains Dec ’07 part IV

Here are photos from Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. I woke up in Wyoming after being awake for 80+ hours, experiencing near-total biological failure and thus getting a lease on a $26 motel room and my continued sanity. I headed south to visit my friend Brian, then was about to turn back west to take photos of the Rockies… before noting that a Snowstorm of Usual Occurrence was blowing through [...]

By |2018-01-17T09:31:20-05:00August 31st, 2010|Colorado, Interstate Highways, Kansas, Nebraska, U. S. Highways, Wyoming|1 Comment

Rocky Mountains Dec ’07 part III

back to US-10, back to Montana. We head out in the night eastbound, just to touch North Dakota, and then as the sun rises, to scour all the old alignments and see what there is to see – mainly, old I-94 signs. Then we head south on US-87 into Wyoming and search for old I-90 signs. Old US-10 bridge at dawn. Glendive, Montana. The bridge dates back to 1922 and [...]

By |2018-01-17T09:30:57-05:00August 27th, 2010|Interstate Highways, Montana, U. S. Highways, Wyoming|4 Comments
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