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Michigan Notes

Started by MDOTFanFB, October 26, 2012, 08:06:31 PM

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Quote from: Flint1979 on November 26, 2024, 11:18:47 PM
Quote from: Plutonic Panda on November 26, 2024, 08:14:31 PM
Quote from: Flint1979 on November 26, 2024, 08:13:54 PMAs far as I-94 in Detroit goes, I'll believe it when I see it.
What do you mean? Has something like this been proposed before and they didn't follow through on it?
I mean that I've been hearing about this for over 20 years now and very little has been done.

Only 20 years?  Try closer to 50 years.  I have more faith that it's actually going to happen, but the timeline stupefies me.  As I noted previously, the tunnel construction is expected to happen 2026-2028 and freeway reconstruction expected to happen 2028-2023 2031 -- and this is for a two-mile stretch (out of seven miles total) and not including either of the major interchange reconstructions at I-75 and M-10.


Quote from: wanderer2575 on November 27, 2024, 06:44:49 PMfreeway reconstruction expected to happen 2028-2023
I mean, if the reconstruction was planned to finish five years before it begins, I'd be stupefied too.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.


Quote from: vdeane on November 27, 2024, 08:34:57 PM
Quote from: wanderer2575 on November 27, 2024, 06:44:49 PMfreeway reconstruction expected to happen 2028-2023
I mean, if the reconstruction was planned to finish five years before it begins, I'd be stupefied too.

Don't be cute.  It was a typo.  I meant 2028-2031.


I don't see a problem with being cute.  It's always worked for me.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.


The I-96 and I-696 reconstruction projects in Oakland County finally wrapped up for the year.  There is still signing and landscaping work to be done, but all lanes on I-96 opened a few weeks ago and all lanes on I-696 opened Tuesday afternoon.  The new flex lanes on I-96 won't go into operation until spring.

The I-696 signing irritates me most, as that's my main roadgeeking interest.  Lots of signage on the eastbound side removed two years ago, including some advance exit signs, still has not been re-installed.

Two gantries still need to be installed on the westbound side:  The two-mile advance and the final Exit Only for the I-275 interchange.  The gantries are sitting on the ground on M-5 at 12 Mile Road.  The first one (at Farmington Road) was installed several weeks ago and then came down, support poles and all, a couple days later.  Very strange.  The gantries and signs aren't new; they are the existing ones that were retained.

I'm enjoying the normalcy while I can.  Come spring, eastbound I-696 will be closed for two years between M-10 and I-75.  Posted detour will be M-10 south  -->  M-8 east  -->  I-75 north.  Westbound also will be closed at some point for a time for removal of the Church Street park deck in Oak Park.


I'm enjoying I-75 being open again between Grand Blanc and Clarkston that won't last long though.


Quote from: Flint1979 on November 26, 2024, 11:18:47 PM
Quote from: Plutonic Panda on November 26, 2024, 08:14:31 PM
Quote from: Flint1979 on November 26, 2024, 08:13:54 PMAs far as I-94 in Detroit goes, I'll believe it when I see it.
What do you mean? Has something like this been proposed before and they didn't follow through on it?
I mean that I've been hearing about this for over 20 years now and very little has been done.

I believe the biggest issue with the I-94 modernization project is the lack of available funding. So far, the only projects completed within the I-94 modernization project area has been a handful of advanced bridges that were rebuilt between 2013-2024. If MDOT holds to the current timeline for the project, it won't be complete until 2053. IMO, the unacceptable. By the time this project is complete, some of the original bridges rebuilt will need work again.


'Smart' road from Washtenaw to Wayne could incorporate usage fees, testing continues of pilot
QuoteThe proposed 39-mile project is envisioned to run from M-10 to Ann Arbor-Saline Road with infrastructure intended to disseminate information to motorists using connected and autonomous vehicles, or CAVs, about everything from traffic conditions to road obstructions, including sensors and wireless communications. If the corridor is developed, it would use one existing lane each way on I-94.

Usage fees emerged as one possibility as state transportation officials on Monday went over the findings of an environmental impact study of the project during a meeting in Van Buren Township. Though the draft study concluded that the CAV lane would not have significant environmental consequences, the assessment does propose a few mitigations for the projects impacts, including a low-income assistance program for discounts of any usage fees that could be put in place and notice of traffic disruption from construction.


The construction on the WBD/NBD I-496/US-127 section in Lansing is approaching completion. At this point, finishing touches on the NBD/WBD Trowbridge Rd exit are still being done, and the SBD lanes still need to be opened back up to full width for the winter.

There's posts on Facebook going around about erroneous distances on the advance signage for the US-127 split (three BGS in a row show the exit is one mile away, where they should be counting down the distance to the exit). Each set of BGS has an arrow over the leftmost lane for I-496 traffic, and two arrows over the middle and right lanes for US-127 traffic. Also currently MIA - any advance signage for Trowbridge Rd, which may be rectified when they open the ramp.

Construction north of the I-496 split will come later in the decade. The EBD/SBD side south of the split is slated for completion at the end of next year, with both directions on the NBD side next year.

Great Lakes Roads

Quote from: JREwing78 on December 02, 2024, 11:53:44 PMThe construction on the WBD/NBD I-496/US-127 section in Lansing is approaching completion. At this point, finishing touches on the NBD/WBD Trowbridge Rd exit are still being done, and the SBD lanes still need to be opened back up to full width for the winter.

There's posts on Facebook going around about erroneous distances on the advance signage for the US-127 split (three BGS in a row show the exit is one mile away, where they should be counting down the distance to the exit). Each set of BGS has an arrow over the leftmost lane for I-496 traffic, and two arrows over the middle and right lanes for US-127 traffic. Also currently MIA - any advance signage for Trowbridge Rd, which may be rectified when they open the ramp.

Construction north of the I-496 split will come later in the decade. The EBD/SBD side south of the split is slated for completion at the end of next year, with both directions on the NBD side next year.

I should add that all 4 lanes of traffic will be on the NB lanes during the 2025 construction season!
-Jay Seaburg


Yesterday was the first day of the 30 month closure of the Lafayette Bridge in Bay City. The farthest south bridge in Bay City that carries M-13 and M-84 over the Saginaw River.


Quote from: JREwing78 on December 02, 2024, 11:53:44 PMThe construction on the WBD/NBD I-496/US-127 section in Lansing is approaching completion. At this point, finishing touches on the NBD/WBD Trowbridge Rd exit are still being done, and the SBD lanes still need to be opened back up to full width for the winter.

There's posts on Facebook going around about erroneous distances on the advance signage for the US-127 split (three BGS in a row show the exit is one mile away, where they should be counting down the distance to the exit). Each set of BGS has an arrow over the leftmost lane for I-496 traffic, and two arrows over the middle and right lanes for US-127 traffic. Also currently MIA - any advance signage for Trowbridge Rd, which may be rectified when they open the ramp.

If the distances are wrong, it sounds like a fabrication error by the sign contractor.  The sign plans included with the original letting documents correctly show the decreasing distances:

What's unusual is that the down arrows for US-127 aren't black-on-yellow with an EXIT ONLY banner.

If you want to talk design error, there's the ebd/sbd sign for exit 11 that will go up next year (I posted this a year or so ago in the Signs with Design Errors thread):


For the helluvit, I drove out to Lansing Sunday morning to take a look.  Only the first US-127 exit sign (should show 1 3/4 miles) is erroneous; the others are correct.  The 1-mile advance sign for Trowbridge Road is there, but not the exit sign (but the ramp is still closed).  The wbd Trowbridge Road ramps to wbd I-496 and sbd US-127/ebd I-496 were closed; I wonder if they'll reopen when the sbd restriping is finished.  While I was stopped on the shoulder to get a photo of the gantry at the 496/127 split, a couple cars entered from Trowbridge and then in a 200-foot distance cut across all lanes to use the wbd 496 ramp, which must be a real hoot when there's traffic.

Unrelated:  Capitol Loop trailblazers are still signed on I-496 and the service drive.


Secretary Pete Buttigieg visits I-75 bridge over the River Raisin in Monroe County

Quote12/09/2024 -- U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg toured the I-75 bridge over the River Raisin today in Monroe County, joined by Monroe City Mayor Robert Clark and Ryan Doom of Operating Engineers 324.  The bridge, along with several other structures and more than 3 miles of roadway, are the recipient of a $196 million federal Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant.

The grant will be supplemented by the Michigan Department of Transportation's (MDOT) budget, covering the remaining $156 million.  In early 2024, MDOT concluded a planning and environmental linkages (PEL) study, where a preferred bridge design was selected, following environmental reviews and cost analysis, as well as engagement with the public.

The project, expected to begin in 2028, will improve I-75 in Monroe County, replace the aging I-75 bridge over the River Raisin (as well as replace additional bridges and culverts), invest in the River Raisin Heritage Trail, and improve the interchange design at I-75/Front Street for enhanced safety and mobility.  Work is expected to be complete 2032.

I-75/Front Street interchange PEL study:


Future MI Governor Buttigieg...
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.


Now the democrats have introduced a competing bill to fix the roads in Michigan. Under this proposal, it would raise vehicle registration by $100, add tolls to some of the state's busiest freeways and hike the gas tax by 19 cents. While I'm not in favor of raising vehicle registration by $100, the other two options in the bill would work imo.

Democrats pitch new bills to fund Michigan road construction that include higher fees, tolls
QuoteAs we enter the last days of the legislative session, House Democrats will soon lose their majority at the end of the year and are pushing several new options to fund road repair in Michigan.

Democratic Reps. Jasper Martus and Alabas Farhat are sponsors of bills introduced on Dec. 5.

The bills propose hiking annual registration fees by $100 per vehicle, adding tolls to some of the state's busiest freeway and a 19 cent fuel tax hike. 7 News Detroit reached out the the representatives to learn more, but they declined to interview. The bills are being introduced as Republicans are also pushing forward a set of proposals including increasing fuel taxes to shift taxes paid at the pump to road repairs, exempting fuel purchases from the state sales tax and shifting state corporate income tax money to road funding.

"We actually do have some Democratic support of our proposal," Republican Rep. Joseph Aragona told 7 News Detroit. "I mean, if you're going to get taxed on roads or on your gas to drive in your car to travel on roads, shouldn't those tax dollars go to repairing roads."

Terry Shea

Quote from: Rothman on December 10, 2024, 02:31:16 PMFuture MI Governor Buttigieg...
You can have him!



If they toll any road other than a bridge in Michigan I will shunpike the hell out of it. There is no reason at all for a Michigan freeway to have a toll on it and does Whitmer even understand that we will lose federal funding for any highway that has a toll on it? All the other toll roads that are also Interstate highways were grandfathered into the system. Michigan needs new leadership and it isn't that scumbag former South Bend, Indiana mayor either.


Quote from: Flint1979 on December 11, 2024, 07:07:36 AM
Quote from: Rothman on December 10, 2024, 02:31:16 PMFuture MI Governor Buttigieg...
That won't happen.

Quote from: Flint1979 on December 11, 2024, 07:14:47 AMIf they toll any road other than a bridge in Michigan I will shunpike the hell out of it. There is no reason at all for a Michigan freeway to have a toll on it and does Whitmer even understand that we will lose federal funding for any highway that has a toll on it? All the other toll roads that are also Interstate highways were grandfathered into the system. Michigan needs new leadership and it isn't that scumbag former South Bend, Indiana mayor either.

I don't think they would lose federal dollars, which are still based upon previous distributions of apportionments, which were in of themselves based upon data now over a decade old.

But, they may step into traps that PA fell into when they tried tolling I-80 to fill general holes in their state funding.

Scumbag?  Haven't heard that one to describe Buttigieg before.  I suppose given how this past election went that it's unlikely we'll see Gov. Buttigieg...unless the unleashed GOP does some really stupid things in the interim that would hurt their base economically.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.


Quote from: Rothman on December 11, 2024, 10:05:02 AM
Quote from: Flint1979 on December 11, 2024, 07:07:36 AM
Quote from: Rothman on December 10, 2024, 02:31:16 PMFuture MI Governor Buttigieg...
That won't happen.

Quote from: Flint1979 on December 11, 2024, 07:14:47 AMIf they toll any road other than a bridge in Michigan I will shunpike the hell out of it. There is no reason at all for a Michigan freeway to have a toll on it and does Whitmer even understand that we will lose federal funding for any highway that has a toll on it? All the other toll roads that are also Interstate highways were grandfathered into the system. Michigan needs new leadership and it isn't that scumbag former South Bend, Indiana mayor either.

I don't think they would lose federal dollars, which are still based upon previous distributions of apportionments, which were in of themselves based upon data now over a decade old.

But, they may step into traps that PA fell into when they tried tolling I-80 to fill general holes in their state funding.

Scumbag?  Haven't heard that one to describe Buttigieg before.  I suppose given how this past election went that it's unlikely we'll see Gov. Buttigieg...unless the unleashed GOP does some really stupid things in the interim that would hurt their base economically.
Well they were built using federal money so I don't know why they would continue to get federal funding if they were tolled. We already pay taxes I'd much rather ask where the money went from previous administrations that were supposed to fix the roads.

I don't know how Buttigieg even qualifies to be Governor of Michigan. I'd rather go with Mike Duggan who has done a very good job of rebuilding Detroit, it's a vast difference between 2014 the year he took office and now but he hasn't done it alone.


I-475 SB is closed starting today through September 2025 from Carpenter Road to the Flint River. I-475 NB which has been closed all year will have one lane re-open on Saturday. This is part of the two year project to rebuild I-475 on Flint's North side. Heavy construction is coming in 2026-2027 to I-475 between Bristol Road in Burton and the Flint River.

A detour will remain posted for I-475 SB traffic using I-75 and I-69. This will probably add to the already congested area where I-75 narrows from four lanes down to three at mile marker 125.


Quote from: Flint1979 on December 11, 2024, 07:07:36 AM
Quote from: Rothman on December 10, 2024, 02:31:16 PMFuture MI Governor Buttigieg...
That won't happen.

He's not even from Michigan, is he?  He should run for governor in his home state.



Quote from: Flint1979 on December 11, 2024, 10:53:17 AM
Quote from: Rothman on December 11, 2024, 10:05:02 AM
Quote from: Flint1979 on December 11, 2024, 07:07:36 AM
Quote from: Rothman on December 10, 2024, 02:31:16 PMFuture MI Governor Buttigieg...
That won't happen.

Quote from: Flint1979 on December 11, 2024, 07:14:47 AMIf they toll any road other than a bridge in Michigan I will shunpike the hell out of it. There is no reason at all for a Michigan freeway to have a toll on it and does Whitmer even understand that we will lose federal funding for any highway that has a toll on it? All the other toll roads that are also Interstate highways were grandfathered into the system. Michigan needs new leadership and it isn't that scumbag former South Bend, Indiana mayor either.

I don't think they would lose federal dollars, which are still based upon previous distributions of apportionments, which were in of themselves based upon data now over a decade old.

But, they may step into traps that PA fell into when they tried tolling I-80 to fill general holes in their state funding.

Scumbag?  Haven't heard that one to describe Buttigieg before.  I suppose given how this past election went that it's unlikely we'll see Gov. Buttigieg...unless the unleashed GOP does some really stupid things in the interim that would hurt their base economically.
Well they were built using federal money so I don't know why they would continue to get federal funding if they were tolled. We already pay taxes I'd much rather ask where the money went from previous administrations that were supposed to fix the roads.

I don't know how Buttigieg even qualifies to be Governor of Michigan. I'd rather go with Mike Duggan who has done a very good job of rebuilding Detroit, it's a vast difference between 2014 the year he took office and now but he hasn't done it alone.

They would still get federal dollars for based upon the old Interstate and NHS mileage.

For example, NY still gets a boost in NHPP funds because the Thruway's Interstate mileage was included in its data for calculation and that distribution percentage has been brought forward over the years (rather than readjustments based upon updated data).  The Interstate mileage would be there whether or not the facility is tolled.

Like I said, I still think MI would step on one of the many landmines FHWA has set for states wishing to convert federal-aid highways to tolled facilities.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.


Quote from: mgk920 on December 11, 2024, 11:45:31 AM
Quote from: Flint1979 on December 11, 2024, 07:07:36 AM
Quote from: Rothman on December 10, 2024, 02:31:16 PMFuture MI Governor Buttigieg...
That won't happen.

He's not even from Michigan, is he?  He should run for governor in his home state.


Carpetbagging is a grand, well-established American tradition.

Check out Mitt Romney's political career sometime...
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.

Opinions expressed here on belong solely to the poster and do not represent or reflect the opinions or beliefs of AARoads, its creators and/or associates.