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Video Game Soundtracks

Started by 7/8, August 04, 2016, 09:31:33 PM

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Not sure how many video game fans there are on this board, but it's been a big part of my life growing up. Not too surprisingly, I started listening to video game soundtracks on my iPod maybe a year ago, and some are them are really great!

I'll share my current top 11 12 (a weird number, I know) favourite video game soundtracks that I find myself listening to often. Feel free to share yours as well, and if you want to talk about other video game stuff as well, that's cool too :)

Click on the links for YouTube videos of the soundtracks. I decided not to embed them, since this many YouTube videos might slow down loading this page :-D

#11 12: Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Saturn)

The only game on here that I've never played, and I don't own a Saturn either. TBH, I tend to really listen to only three songs from this, hence why I put it at the bottom. But the Title Theme is really catchy, and I really love the two Diamond Dust songs. It sets the mood perfectly for a winter theme.

Highlights: Title Screen, Diamond Dust - Act 1, and Diamond Dust - Act 2

#10 11: Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (PS1)

This one's actually composed by Stewart Copeland, the drummer of The Police. Damn, I remember spending many hours playing this as a kid. But anyway, this soundtrack has a bit more of an abstract feel, for lack of a better word. Summer Forest, Autumn Plains, and Crystal Glacier are all very peaceful tunes, but also sound similar, so I only included only one of them below.

Highlights: Gateway to Glimmer Forest, Summer Forest, Idol Springs & Fracture Hills, Sunny Beach, and Metropolis

#10: Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2)

For some reason and I have a tendency to mainly listen to the first half of this soundtrack (maybe because I didn't get far in the game), but the I really do enjoy the part of the soundtrack I'm familiar with. The use of a real orchestra really sets this one apart for it's time.

Highlights: Overture, Paul the Coach, A Peaceful Community, and To A Vast World

#9: Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)

Every gamer knows the classic Mario tunes, but this one stands out to me. Not to mention, what a fun game to play split-screen!

Highlights: Athletic, Hisstocrat, Wild Savanna, Double Cherry Pass, Snowball Park, Sunshine Seaside ~ Underwater, and Color Panel de Link

#8: Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (PS1)

This one has an interesting mix of rock music and electronic music. Don't ask me why the track names are so strange!

Highlights: Hydrus 606, Rear Flutterblast #19, Knossos, Romulus 3, and Tritton

#7: Sonic 3 (Sega Genesis)

Yes, more Sonic on my list! And there's more to come too; what can I say, I think the series has some great soundtracks :) You'll notice the outdated sound due to the Sega Genesis' low quality soundchip, but they managed to pull off some cool tunes despite it. And for me anyway, it has a nostalgic quality. A fun fact for this soundtrack is that Michael Jackson is believed to have helped out with it.

Highlights: Angel Island Zone - Act 1, Hydrocity Zone - Act 2, Ice Cap Zone - Act 1, Launch Base Zone - Act 1, and Final Boss

#6: Sonic CD - Japanese/European Soundtrack (Sega CD)

The game involves different time periods for each level (past, present, good future, and bad future), and they generally use similar tunes, but with different moods for each one. The Sega CD brought with it CD-quality music, but the past songs are interestingly not full CD-quality, and they tend to differ the most from the other 3 time periods. Also, Palmtree Panic - Present could be one of the happiest songs ever :)

Highlights: Palmtree Panic - Present, Collision Chaos - Present, Tidal Tempest - Present, Wacky Workbench - Past, and Stardust Speedway - Present

#5: F-Zero GX (GameCube)

Possibly my favourite racing game, the upbeat electronic soundtrack is what you expect from a futuristic racing game.

Highlights: Pico's Theme, Octoman's Theme, Dr. Clash's Theme, Gomar & Shioh's Theme, Feel Our Pain (Fire Field), Planet Colors (Green Plant), ZEN (Aeropolis), and Osc-Sync Carnival (Lightning)

#4: Final Fantasy IX (PS1)

What a great game; the cast of characters is probably my favourite of any game I've played, and they don't even have voices (only text)! The soundtrack by well-renowned Nobou Uematsu is also a classic for a good reason.

Highlights: The Place I'll Return to Someday, The Skies of Alexandria, Captivating Eyes, Border Village Dali, Zidane's Theme, Freya's Theme, Black Mage Village, Unrequited Love, and Those Whom I Must Protect

#3: Sonic 1 and 2 (Sega Genesis)

The soundtrack album for these two combines the two games' soundtracks, so I'll combine them on my list as well. Sonic 1 was the first video game I ever played, so I probably have some bias in choosing this one. But like I mentioned for #7, I find it impressive how catchy these songs are given the subpar soundchip the composers were stuck with.

Highlights: Spring Yard Zone, Labyrinth Zone, Scrap Brain Zone, Chemical Plant Zone, Oil Ocean Zone, and Sky Chase Zone

Chrono Cross (PS1)

I was really debating putting this as #1, it was a tough decision. This is definitely a top-notch soundtrack! I also really enjoyed the combat mechanism in the JRPG.

Highlights: Scars of Time, Arni Village - Home World, Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~, Termina - Another World, Departed Souls, Voyage - Home World, Navel of the World, Marbule - Another World, Magic From the Fairies, and The Girl Who Stole the Stars

#1: Super Smash Bros. Melee (GameCube)

The best songs from all of Nintendo's games, how could you not like this one? I find myself listening to this one the most! And many good memories playing this game with my brothers and friends too!

Highlights: Prince Peach's Castle, Rainbow Cruise, Great Bay, Yoshi's Story, Yoshi's Island, Green Greens, Venom, Dream Land N64, Saria's Theme, Mach Rider

Max Rockatansky

This thread gets my approval solely on the fact that you included Sonic CD.  The American tracks aren't half bad either, I never understood why they kept the "past" music the same as the Japanese version.  Wacky Workbench Past is probably the best single piece in the entire game.  I got a Sega CD when it first came out and played Sonic CD non-stop back in those days.  Sonic 3 was good too, I like the alternate themes better than the regular ones.  Hydro City Act 2 is my personal favorite....interesting to see someone your age that has so many vintage Sega game on a list like this.  I have about 1,400 game MP3s mixed in with a heavy amount of 80s and early 90s stuff.  I just found fully metal instrumental version of the Doom sound track.

Funny I say all this considering I've only bought maybe 3 new games since 2009.  :rolleyes:  Incidentally one of those games was Double Dragon Neon, that has a FRIGGIN AWESOME 80s style soundtrack to it.

Firebird from Space Dojo Act 2 is probably the best theme on there.  It just confirm what I already suspected about the 80s arcade, that Billy and Jimmy had a bad ass 3rd Gen Firebird in their garage.  :-D


Quote from: Max Rockatansky on August 04, 2016, 09:39:12 PM
This thread gets my approval solely on the fact that you included Sonic CD.  The American tracks aren't half bad either, I never understood why they kept the "past" music the same as the Japanese version.  Wacky Workbench Past is probably the best single piece in the entire game.  I got a Sega CD when it first came out and played Sonic CD non-stop back in those days.  Sonic 3 was good too, I like the alternate themes better than the regular ones.  Hydro City Act 2 is my personal favorite....interesting to see someone your age that has so many vintage Sega game on a list like this.  I have about 1,400 game MP3s mixed in with a heavy amount of 80s and early 90s stuff.  I just found fully metal instrumental version of the Doom sound track.

Funny I say all this considering I've only bought maybe 3 new games since 2009.  :rolleyes:  Incidentally one of those games was Double Dragon Neon, that has a FRIGGIN AWESOME 80s style soundtrack to it.

Firebird from Space Dojo Act 2 is probably the best theme on there.  It just confirm what I already suspected about the 80s arcade, that Billy and Jimmy had a bad ass 3rd Gen Firebird in their garage.  :-D

I haven't really tried listening to the American Sonic CD soundtrack yet. I read one person's review of the two and he preferred the Eureopean/Japanese one, so that's the one I decided to listen to. But I really should give the other one a try. I'm glad you agree with my choices of top songs for Sonic CD and Sonic 3 ;-). It was tough choosing "highlights", but I knew if I spent too long choosing, I'd never get this post done :-D

Even though the Sega Genesis was dying out by the time I was born in 1995, it was still the first system I had. I got it as a hand-me down from my older cousin, and I still remember playing Sonic 1 and Golden Axe II. I only tried playing Sonic 2, 3, and CD more recently, and I feel like they've aged well in terms of gameplay.

I'm not sure why I like the PS1 RPG's so much, maybe the great soundtracks are part of it. I didn't start playing PS1 RPG's until a few years ago (I was a bit too young to play them at the time). I decided to get Final Fantasy IX as my first one and I enjoyed the dialogue between the characters so much! If I have time, I'd like to start over again with FF9.

I'll have to try listening to the Double Dragon Neon soundtrack you posted tomorrow :)

Max Rockatansky

Apparently there was some dispute that the Japanese soundtrack had too much techno for the uber conservative American demographic of 1993.  Looking back it's really hard to argue that point given Sega already had enough trouble with the whole Night Trap wriggamoral.  It's funny to look back at those days, I was about graduate high school and parents were freaking the f$%@ out about violent or "edgy" video games.  I find that incredibly ironic considering the level of horror movies in the 1980s was WAY WAY beyond anything that they put out even today.  Night Trap was just a silly B-movie style game, Doom was violent but had primitive graphics and Mortal Kombat just looks terrible now with all the motion captures. 

See that's the thing, I wouldn't have EVER given anyone any of my video game systems.  It wasn't until I was about 12 that I started getting good at anything athletic and basically video games filled the void.  Back in the 1980s you didn't dare tell anyone you had a Nintendo, Master System, Game Boy or a computer lest you be labeled a "nerd."  It's funny to think how socially accepted all this stuff is when it really just made you a pariah back in those really had Breakfast Club level of demographics with kids then. 

Personally I prefer 6, 7, 4, 10 and then 9 out of the Final Fantasy games.  I blame 13 for basically turning me off to modern games in general....Metal Gear Solid 4 couldn't salvage my interest after I bought my PS3.  I still have all the old stuff sitting on my mantle; NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, N64 2600, Master System, Game Gear, Genesis and a PS3 that plays PS1/PS2 games.  The only thing that I lost over the years was my Sega CD which got taken out in a house flood in the early 2000s.  Funny thing is that back in 2009 I tried to sell ALL of it for $500 dollars and didn't have any takers for the month I had it posted on Craigslist, I suspect that wouldn't be the case these days.

The Master System has a really weird sound card in it.  Some of the games like Phantasy Star sound really good and unique...but that's a rarity rather than the rule:


I'd give that American Sonic CD sound track a try though.  There is some really good "bad future" tracks with a lot of metal in them like Metallic Madness or Wacky Workbench.


Funny how you mentioned Hydrocity Zone Act 2, ever seen my video of the 401 Extension in Windsor, I just had to use that amazing theme (in fact all my videos use arrangements of themes from classic games)

I'm on my phone, but a very good nes soundtrack is Journey to Silius, all 4 stage themes in that game are solid. Sunsoft, the creators of the game used the nes DPCM channel instead of percussion like most games did, to a very powerful synth bass. It sounds great.

Max Rockatansky

This is my personal favorite out of anything Sunsoft put out:

I kind of like the soundtrack from Fester's Quest also for some reason.  I'm surprised how much shit that game gets these days....probably has something to do with James Rolfe.


I get the feeling with Fester's Quest, that Sunsoft was "halfway there" in creating that awesome bass sound found in Journey to Silius....but nevertheless, the boss theme in Fester's Quest is a tune that you blast your TV when it starts....I love that "distortion" type sound it tries to mimic at the beginning:

Max Rockatansky

Quote from: MisterSG1 on August 04, 2016, 11:11:24 PM
I get the feeling with Fester's Quest, that Sunsoft was "halfway there" in creating that awesome bass sound found in Journey to Silius....but nevertheless, the boss theme in Fester's Quest is a tune that you blast your TV when it starts....I love that "distortion" type sound it tries to mimic at the beginning:

I always thought it was weird that they switched back to the Overworld Theme for the last boss.  God that game as so hard to beat for years until my friends and I found out the missile trick on last boss where it couldn't hit you.  :-D


Quote from: Max Rockatansky on August 04, 2016, 09:39:12 PM
This thread gets my approval solely on the fact that you included Sonic CD.  The American tracks aren't half bad either, I never understood why they kept the "past" music the same as the Japanese version.
I believe the past themes in Sonic CD are hardcoded into the game in a particular type of music file, and so when the american themes were developed, they couldn't switch them out like the other songs.

As for soundtracks, I'm a huge fan of Sonic game soundtracks. Other games include
Crash Team Racing
the Mario Kart series
Final Fantasy 4 and 6
Phantasy Star 4
the Metroid series

and this is just a few of them.
Call me Kenny/Kenneth. No, seriously.

Max Rockatansky

Quote from: kj3400 on August 04, 2016, 11:33:43 PM
Quote from: Max Rockatansky on August 04, 2016, 09:39:12 PM
This thread gets my approval solely on the fact that you included Sonic CD.  The American tracks aren't half bad either, I never understood why they kept the "past" music the same as the Japanese version.
I believe the past themes in Sonic CD are hardcoded into the game in a particular type of music file, and so when the american themes were developed, they couldn't switch them out like the other songs.

As for soundtracks, I'm a huge fan of Sonic game soundtracks. Other games include
Crash Team Racing
the Mario Kart series
Final Fantasy 4 and 6
Phantasy Star 4
the Metroid series

and this is just a few of them.

That's weird....funny how they all sound like 60s/70s music and fit with the American tracks regardless.  Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission have some really good stuff on them.


F-Zero GX's soundtrack is awesome.

Also, the Mega Man series.
Quote from: Rothman on July 15, 2021, 07:52:59 AM
Olive Garden must be stopped.  I must stop them.

Don't @ me. Seriously.


Quote from: Takumi on August 04, 2016, 11:53:00 PM
Also, the Mega Man series.

Mega Man was a primary focus of my existence in college (before I got seriously into roadgeeking), and I have the entire soundtrack of... almost every Mega Man game ever made. There are very few games in the series that don't have any particularly memorable tunes.

Duke Nukem was also one of my favorite series when I was younger (it is, in fact, where the "Duke" in my username comes from). The soundtracks to those games vary widely in scope and quality but Duke Nukem II's is awesome. Also a fan of the soundtrack to Manhattan Project, even though the number of songs in that game is relatively small (they reuse a lot).

Outside of that, I love the Philip Glass-esque soundtracks of SimCity 3000 and SimCity 4.

Then there are the odds and ends... the Toy Story 2 video game had a very good soundtrack, for example.
If you always take the same road, you will never see anything new.

Max Rockatansky

Quote from: Duke87 on August 05, 2016, 12:12:42 AM
Quote from: Takumi on August 04, 2016, 11:53:00 PM
Also, the Mega Man series.

Mega Man was a primary focus of my existence in college (before I got seriously into roadgeeking), and I have the entire soundtrack of... almost every Mega Man game ever made. There are very few games in the series that don't have any particularly memorable tunes.

Duke Nukem was also one of my favorite series when I was younger (it is, in fact, where the "Duke" in my username comes from). The soundtracks to those games vary widely in scope and quality but Duke Nukem II's is awesome. Also a fan of the soundtrack to Manhattan Project, even though the number of songs in that game is relatively small (they reuse a lot).

Outside of that, I love the Philip Glass-esque soundtracks of SimCity 3000 and SimCity 4.

Then there are the odds and ends... the Toy Story 2 video game had a very good soundtrack, for example.

But even the weaker Mega Man games like 5, 7 and 8 still had good sound tracks.  I actually have the entire original series and X1-X6 on my MP3 player.  There are some really good remixes by Bulby on youtube in 8-bit format for Mega Man X.  The only original version I could never find was Mega Man 10 but there is really good alternative with the Etank versions:


Wow, I wasn't expecting to wake up and see this many replies! Looks like I'll have lots of stuff to listen to today :)

Quote from: MisterSG1 on August 04, 2016, 11:00:36 PM
Funny how you mentioned Hydrocity Zone Act 2, ever seen my video of the 401 Extension in Windsor, I just had to use that amazing theme (in fact all my videos use arrangements of themes from classic games)

That's really funny, I hadn't watched it before. It sounds like that song is a big hit here.

Quote from: kj3400 on August 04, 2016, 11:33:43 PM
As for soundtracks, I'm a huge fan of Sonic game soundtracks. Other games include
Crash Team Racing
the Mario Kart series
Final Fantasy 4 and 6
Phantasy Star 4
the Metroid series

and this is just a few of them.

Oh man, I'm going have to listen to CTR again; that was such a fun game! And you can't go wrong with Mario Kart. :) Do you have a particular favourite? I really enjoy the new Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) soundtrack.

Quote from: Takumi on August 04, 2016, 11:53:00 PM
F-Zero GX's soundtrack is awesome.

Also, the Mega Man series.

I know, even now, F-Zero GX is still an excellent game. My only complaint is that the story mode is so hard. I never did beat the level where you have to eliminate Michael Chain :ded:

It sounds like the Mega Man games and soundtrack are popular here. I only owned one of them on the PS1 (can't remember the number though... I'll have to check), but the disc no longer works :-/. If you had to suggest one Mega Man soundtrack for me to start off with, which one would you choose?


Quote from: 7/8 on August 04, 2016, 10:19:59 PM
Quote from: Max Rockatansky on August 04, 2016, 09:39:12 PM
Funny I say all this considering I've only bought maybe 3 new games since 2009.  :rolleyes:  Incidentally one of those games was Double Dragon Neon, that has a FRIGGIN AWESOME 80s style soundtrack to it.

Firebird from Space Dojo Act 2 is probably the best theme on there.  It just confirm what I already suspected about the 80s arcade, that Billy and Jimmy had a bad ass 3rd Gen Firebird in their garage.  :-D

I'll have to try listening to the Double Dragon Neon soundtrack you posted tomorrow :)

I listened to most of the soundtrack this morning and for me, Space Dojo Act 1 stood out as a great song. Thank you for this soundtrack suggestion :)

Quote from: 7/8 on August 05, 2016, 07:40:59 AM
Oh man, I'm going have to listen to CTR again; that was such a fun game!

I listened to this one this morning too, but to be honest, I'm a bit disappointed. It doesn't seem on the same level as Mario Kart soundtracks. But I will say, Title 2 and N. Sanitary Beach Map have been etched into my brain. :colorful: I feel like I'll always remember the announcer when you're booting up the game:

QuoteStart your engine! A Sony Computer Entertainment America production.
Fasten your seatbelts, for another... Naughty Dog creation!


I liked the early NFS soundtracks before they became mainstream (still good though). My personal favorites would be Super Mario 64, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
The local weatherman, trust me I can be 99.9% right!
"Show where you're going, without forgetting where you're from"

IL: I-88, I-180, I-190, I-290, I-294, I-355, IL-390
IN: I-80, I-94
SD: I-190
WI: I-90, I-94
MI: I-94, I-196
MN: I-90


Quote from: 7/8 on August 04, 2016, 09:31:33 PM
#10: Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2)

For some reason and I have a tendency to mainly listen to the first half of this soundtrack (maybe because I didn't get far in the game), but the I really do enjoy the part of the soundtrack I'm familiar with. The use of a real orchestra really sets this one apart for it's time.

Highlights: Overture, Paul the Coach, A Peaceful Community, and To A Vast World

^ I added Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) as #10 on my list. I can't believe I forgot to put it there yesterday :pan:

The Final Fantasy XII (PS2) soundtrack has a couple songs I like, though I don't find it nearly as consistent as IX (which I included in my original post). As for gameplay, I found the "gambit" system much too "automatic" for my liking. But anyway, my favourite songs from XII would be Loop Demo, Secret Practice, and The Dalmasca Estersand


Quote from: ET21 on August 05, 2016, 12:45:31 PM
I liked the early NFS soundtracks before they became mainstream (still good though). My personal favorites would be Super Mario 64, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire

I'm not so familiar with the Star Wars soundtracks, I'll have to give them a try.

As for Super Mario 64, my favourites would be Super Mario 64 Main Theme, Dire Dire Docks, and Snow Mountain. I never had an N64 growing up, but I remember playing this game at the dentist (they had an N64 set up in the waiting room), and I also bought it on Wii VC.


Quote from: 7/8 on August 05, 2016, 06:05:22 PM
Quote from: ET21 on August 05, 2016, 12:45:31 PM
I liked the early NFS soundtracks before they became mainstream (still good though). My personal favorites would be Super Mario 64, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire

I'm not so familiar with the Star Wars soundtracks, I'll have to give them a try.

As for Super Mario 64, my favourites would be Super Mario 64 Main Theme, Dire Dire Docks, and Snow Mountain. I never had an N64 growing up, but I remember playing this game at the dentist (they had an N64 set up in the waiting room), and I also bought it on Wii VC.

The Dire Dire Docks on my cart sounds slightly different than the one on the OSV, the electric piano notes don't have the reverb, and they are more staccato in my version. Additionally, the tempo is also slightly slower. I was wondering, does the VC version sound different from the OSV?


Quote from: MisterSG1 on August 05, 2016, 10:11:10 PM
Quote from: 7/8 on August 05, 2016, 06:05:22 PM
Quote from: ET21 on August 05, 2016, 12:45:31 PM
I liked the early NFS soundtracks before they became mainstream (still good though). My personal favorites would be Super Mario 64, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire

I'm not so familiar with the Star Wars soundtracks, I'll have to give them a try.

As for Super Mario 64, my favourites would be Super Mario 64 Main Theme, Dire Dire Docks, and Snow Mountain. I never had an N64 growing up, but I remember playing this game at the dentist (they had an N64 set up in the waiting room), and I also bought it on Wii VC.

The Dire Dire Docks on my cart sounds slightly different than the one on the OSV, the electric piano notes don't have the reverb, and they are more staccato in my version. Additionally, the tempo is also slightly slower. I was wondering, does the VC version sound different from the OSV?

I'm not aware of any difference, but I can try comparing the three versions I have available: the posted YouTube link, the downloaded song on my iPod, and the Wii VC game to see if I notice anything.

Max Rockatansky

Quote from: 7/8 on August 05, 2016, 06:00:23 PM
Quote from: 7/8 on August 04, 2016, 09:31:33 PM
#10: Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2)

For some reason and I have a tendency to mainly listen to the first half of this soundtrack (maybe because I didn't get far in the game), but the I really do enjoy the part of the soundtrack I'm familiar with. The use of a real orchestra really sets this one apart for it's time.

Highlights: Overture, Paul the Coach, A Peaceful Community, and To A Vast World

^ I added Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) as #10 on my list. I can't believe I forgot to put it there yesterday :pan:

The Final Fantasy XII (PS2) soundtrack has a couple songs I like, though I don't find it nearly as consistent as IX (which I included in my original post). As for gameplay, I found the "gambit" system much too "automatic" for my liking. But anyway, my favourite songs from XII would be Loop Demo, Secret Practice, and The Dalmasca Estersand

You know, I never actually really like the Dragon Quest/Warrior soundtracks before 8.  I had all the games from 1 to 8 in one form or the next and I always found it bland.  The irony was I started to prefer the series over Final Fantasy since it stuck way closer to it's roots as far as RPG game play.  If I was going to rank the Final Fantasy series I would probably say my top five would be 7, 10, 6, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 5 and 1 for the top ten sound tracks.  I never considered 11 to be part of the main series since it was one of those multiplayer RPGs.  My justification largely for picking 7 and 10 over 6 would be:

I'm surprised Mega Man hasn't been mentioned much more on this thread yet.  The whole series along with Mega Man X has some awesome sound tracks.  My personal favorites are Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 10 and Mega Man X.

Quote from: 7/8 on August 05, 2016, 12:37:44 PM
Quote from: 7/8 on August 04, 2016, 10:19:59 PM
Quote from: Max Rockatansky on August 04, 2016, 09:39:12 PM
Funny I say all this considering I've only bought maybe 3 new games since 2009.  :rolleyes:  Incidentally one of those games was Double Dragon Neon, that has a FRIGGIN AWESOME 80s style soundtrack to it.

Firebird from Space Dojo Act 2 is probably the best theme on there.  It just confirm what I already suspected about the 80s arcade, that Billy and Jimmy had a bad ass 3rd Gen Firebird in their garage.  :-D

I'll have to try listening to the Double Dragon Neon soundtrack you posted tomorrow :)

I listened to most of the soundtrack this morning and for me, Space Dojo Act 1 stood out as a great song. Thank you for this soundtrack suggestion :)

Funny that Space Dojo 1 is a remix of the Industrial Zone music from the first arcade game.  Beat-em-ups usually had some awesome music some that come to mind were; Turtles in Time, Final Fight and the entire Streets of Rage series.


For those of you that may have been into racing video games over the years here is a pretty decent site that has links to many of the songs on a boatload of those type of games:

Listen when you can, though. The copyright police are shutting this thing down link by link almost on a weekly basis now.

Please Note: All posts represent my personal opinions and do not represent those of any governmental agency, non-governmental agency, quasi-governmental agency or wanna be governmental agency

Counties: Counties Visited

Max Rockatansky


Always loved the Pokemon soundtracks starting from Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal (but I started playing at the time of Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald).

Here's one that sticks with me, even though I didn't grow up with it:

I also loved the Dragon Quest IX: Legends of the Starry Skies soundtrack.
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name

(Recently hacked. A human operates this account now!)

Max Rockatansky

Some Mega Man Arrangements by E-Tank:

The only thing I wish this guy did extra was the theme for Endless Challenge, that tune is catchy as all hell in chip tune format:

Anyways here is the entire Mega Man 10 arrangement:

Or how about Bulby and Mega Man X 8-bit tracks?

Boomer Kuwanger's stage them came out better than expected:

Granted I'm fully aware that's way more instruments at once than the NES was capable of.

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