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Rank all 12 months of the year.

Started by thspfc, November 01, 2019, 06:20:05 PM

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12. February - cold, dark, boring.
11. January - February, but with some excitement about the new year, and the Christmas spirit hasn't totally worn off yet.
10. March - you expect it to be like spring, but the reality is, it's still winter.
9. April - It gets nice towards the end of the month, but otherwise it's just really bland. Not much happening.
8. May - It's spring and the weather is nice, but allergies suck and it's one of the worst sports months (NBA, NBA, NBA, NBA all month long, gets very annoying)
7. August - Hot. And going back to school isn't that great either.
6. July - The weather sucks, and nothing interesting is happening unless the World Cup is around, but at least I don't have to do anything because school is out all month.
5. September - Good weather, very good sports month, but back to school  :-|
4. June - Good weather, school is out, everyone is in a good mood.
3. December - If winter comes early it can be a bit miserable, but Christmas and New Year's is good.
2. November - Good weather, good sports, good food. That's pretty much what I care about  :sombrero:
1. October - see November, except better.


Considering I would probably put September and March as 1-2, I think out lists would have substantial variance


12. August.
11. July. Honestly, these last two could be tied for how much they suck, due to the heat.
10. January.
9. February. Only ranks better than January because this is my birthday month. Also, the cold months are less worse than the hot months due to the fact that the cold is easier to prepare for than the heat.
8. December. Cold but festive.
7. September. Still hot but not as bad as the two months before it.
6. November.
5. March. Like November, can be chilly or warm depending on what my continental weather decides to be. But not terrible, usually. These two are also a tossup.
4. June. Starting to get hot but I also enjoy severe weather, and June is pretty good for it.
3. October. It's a relief after the heat of the summer.
2. April. Not hot and some interesting weather can happen.
1. May. Mostly not hot and is peak severe weather season.


12. February- cold and dark, and no holiday to justify a day off from school/work.
11. January- It's basically the same crap as February after the first few days.
10. April- Rain, tornadoes, and more rain. Half my Track meets got cancelled due to Spring rainstorms.
9. March- Down here it's not too bad weather-wise. One-third of the month is a long break from school.
8. August- Back to School half-way through. Way too hot to run in, as it is also when cross-country starts.
7. May- Too much rain like April in the Beginning, and school only gets out towards the end, and that only means one thing- Finals.
6. November- Nothing until Thanksgiving, Weather is decent but not as good as the previous month.
5. September- Nothing special except for Labor Day (which is at the very beginning), and all the back-to-school crap is over with.
4. December- Cold, but almost half the month is taken up by Winter Break for the Holidays. Unfortunately, Finals also occur at semester.
3. July- By the fourth, the novelty of summer has worn off, and summer school courses start. The weather is only good when it comes to water activities.
2. June- not too hot for the first half, just released from school.
1. October- Best Weather of the Year, heat of the Cross-Country season, birthday, good sports incl. World Series.


I'm going to buck the trend and start from best to least best, since it's easier to do.

1. October - fall is my favorite season, and this month is the only one that's really fall here.  September is too much like summer and November too much like winter.  Plus there's Halloween and I can sneak a roadtrip into Columbus Day weekend.
2. April - stubbornly like March in terms of weather, but Easter (most years) and my first major roadtrip of the year (most years) more than make up for it.  Weather usually starts looking better towards the end, days getting longer
3. November - weather can be dreary, but is almost always still good enough to sneak in a daytrip on Black Friday (that tradition will die once I finally have Region 5 all clinched, though a couple things to clinch and re-clinch in PA might keep it alive for a couple years thereafter).  Thanksgiving too, which can be the longest trip to visit family depending on when Christmas and July 4 fall.  I can also cram in an extra daytrip if Veterans Day makes a three day weekend.
4. July - Big family month most years, with both July 4 and the family picnic.  Some years I've had roadtrips and/or conferences, too.  Downside is the tourist traffic.
5. January - winter hasn't worn out its welcome yet, and I can generally place a daytrip in the long weekend for Martin Luther King Day.  Traffic isn't bad, either.
6. December - like November and early January, but with Christmas and without roadtrips (honestly, I keep going back and forth on how to rate December and January)
7. May - warm weather, not too hot yet.  Memorial Day
8. June - not much happening most years, but the weather is good.  Traffic starting to pick up, but not horrific yet.
9. February - winter is wearing out its welcome, but at least I can take a daytrip over the Presidents Day long weekend, weather permitting
10. March - like February, but by this time I'm sick and tired of winter that refuses to go.  No roadtrips either.  At least it's my birthday, but that stopped being exciting a decade ago.
11. August - not much happening, and with track season in full swing, Northway traffic is unbearable.  Also unbearable: the heat.  I'd rate it lower, but it doesn't drag on as much as September.
12. September - Labor Day is nice, but that happens early.  The rest of the month drags on and on and on, to the point where it feels like two months have passed when you're done.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.


Quote from: MNHighwayMan on November 01, 2019, 06:47:16 PM
12. August.
11. July. Honestly, these last two could be tied for how much they suck, due to the heat.
10. January.
9. February. Only ranks better than January because this is my birthday month. Also, the cold months are less worse than the hot months due to the fact that the cold is easier to prepare for than the heat.
8. December. Cold but festive.
7. September. Still hot but not as bad as the two months before it.
6. November.
5. March. Like November, can be chilly or warm depending on what my continental weather decides to be. But not terrible, usually. These two are also a tossup.
4. June. Starting to get hot but I also enjoy severe weather, and June is pretty good for it.
3. October. It's a relief after the heat of the summer.
2. April. Not hot and some interesting weather can happen.
1. May. Mostly not hot and is peak severe weather season.

I thought September would be 9 for you because of the Minnesota state bird.

This October/November feels like early January.
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.

jp the roadgeek

12.  January.  Useless, other than playoff football.  Those 2 weeks between the conference championship games and the Super Bowl are torture.  15 minutes after midnight on New Years Eve it's as if the thrill of the holiday season has been replaced with an empty void. Dark, cold, snowy.  My skiing days are behind me, and snow is just a nuisance that needs to be shoveled or blown.

11.  February.  Total throwaway month, especially after the Super Bowl.  Usually the snowiest month lately; usually get walloped with a huge storm about mid-month after a day or 2 of "Fool's Spring" Only good thing is my busy season starts then.

10. November.  Birthday month.  Election Day.  After the 1st, it goes downhill, then recovers a bit Thanksgiving week with lots of football and college basketball starting up.

9. December.  Yes, the holidays are something to look forward to, but the reality that it can now snow and be cold at any time, plus the looooooong nights kind of make it blah.

8.  September: The reality that summer is over sets in, plus it can be really long when your baseball team is out of the pennant race.

7.  August: Hot and steamy, plus you reach the realization that summer's days are numbered.

6. October: The best Fall month.  Leaves aren't down yet, usually not cold enough for snow, and the only month where all 4 sports are in season, including the World Series.  Extra points if the Sox are in the playoffs.

5. April:  A month of rebirth, and days getting longer, with 8:00 sunsets by the end of the month.  Hectic first half of the month
until tax day, then a respite.  Opening Day, Final Four, and playoff hockey and basketball deep into the night. 

4. March.  The real new year begins.  March Madness, spring training, stretch runs in hockey and basketball.  Setting the clocks ahead, days getting longer, my best pay month. The last bit of snow is usually gone by the end of the month.

3. May: Finally starting to get warm and the threat of snow is gone.  Baseball getting going, playoffs getting better, everything  is in bloom, Derby Day.  Summer is coming.  A lot to look forward to

2. June.  Nice and warm, but not humid yet.  Stanley Cup and NBA Finals, baseball in full swing.  Longest days of the year.

1.  July.  Vacation month.  Beach trips.  The heart of summer and warmth. 

Interstates I've clinched: 97, 290 (MA), 291 (CT), 291 (MA), 293, 295 (DE-NJ-PA), 295 (RI-MA), 384, 391, 395 (CT-MA), 395 (MD), 495 (DE), 610 (LA), 684, 691, 695 (MD), 695 (NY), 795 (MD)


February has the Super Bowl and the Daytona 500.  And it's the shortest month of the year so if you don't like it at least it doesn't last very long.  I feel like February should be mid-pack just because of its uniqueness. 


It all depends on where you live.

12.  August -- heat, humidity, rain, humidity, mosquitoes, humidity, hurricanes, and humidity.  Only good thing is that the Premier League season starts.

11.  July -- same as August, without as many big hurricanes.

10.  June -- same as July, but hurricane season is just starting and we don't get many here that time of year.

9.  April -- tax season.

8.  May -- love bugs, starting to get hot and muggy, Premier League season ends.

7.  January -- cold and damp, and the Saints find an inventive way to get knocked out of the playoffs.

6.  March -- weather is nice, Spring Training means baseball season is near.

5.  November -- starting to get cooler and damp again, but still fairly nice.  Thanksgiving.

4.  September -- still hot and muggy, but there's hope for fall.  Can still get a strong hurricane, though.

3.  February -- Mardi Gras.  (Hey, this is New Orleans.)

2.  December -- cool and damp, but Christmas is here and family is home.

1.  October -- cooling down, less humidity, our driest month, LSU and Saints football in full swing.  Peak of hurricane season is past for us.


I will also arrange my list contrary to the trend simply because it is easier for me personally to organize it that way:

1. June - I love summer very much, since school is out, I love summer activities (swimming, going to the beach, theme parks, etc.), and I may have a little bit of "beach bum"  blood in me. Thankfully, June doesn't tend to be as hot as the other summer months, July and August. Also, June is towards the beginning of Summer Break (from school), which means there's more time until it starts back.  :)

2. July - Placed this high up largely for the same reasons as June, although the heat can be quite rough during this month (especially living in the southern part of the United States). I love the Fourth of July celebration, and as a result of said holiday (and other reasons), I also get to see family quite often typically during this month.

3. May - Placed here also for similar reasons as June and July. Definitely not as hot as the rest of summer, and the end of the month marked the beginning of Summer Break back in my schooling from Kindergarten to 12th Grade. Now in college, I actually typically get the entire month of May off as the beginning of my Summer Break, with classes ending in late April to early May (for that semester).

4. September - This is the very tail-end of summer, and possibly getting into some chillier, decent fall weather. I like September more than August (as was also mentioned upthread) since it is past the "back-to-school"  stuff, and I am more adjusted into my new classes. Labor Day, of course, is also nice. This month is usually the last time you could really go swimming around here and stuff before it gets too cold, so it's the last time to enjoy summer before the next time it comes around.

5. October - This month has just come to a close as I type this post, and I very much enjoyed it as usual. I love getting into fall weather and the leaves starting to change, and of course Halloween is awesome (even though I haven't actively participated in it (trick-or-treating or handing out candy) in a few years, I always enjoy the spirit and doing other things in relation to the holiday, and of course eating lots of candy). The weather is definitely typically very nice during this month.

6. November - Placed here for many similar reasons as October (nice weather, leaves changing, fall festivities, etc.), and my birthday is also during this month. I always highly enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, and the Christmas holiday season is itching closer.

7. December - Although at this point the weather may start to be getting pretty cold (by southern standards), I love the Christmas season, and of course with that comes a nice long break from school (the second half of the month during my K-12, and now I usually get the whole month off in college).

8. August - Usually marks the end of Summer Break and the beginning of school (with the former naturally being more enjoyable than the latter  :) ). Still allows for lots of summer activities, there's just less time for them with the start of school. Unfortunately, of course, the heat can be rough during this month.

9. April - I love Spring, but unfortunately Spring does not love me back - in other words, pollen irritates me physically (causing very itchy eyes, sneezing, etc.), and the peak of that is during this month. But Spring is beautiful with all the things blooming, and the weather is getting much nicer coming back from the colder Winter. Can also hold Spring Break, which could mean another opportunity for a road trip and time off. It's getting closer to the end of school, which does mean it could be getting busier, but it is also not much longer until Summer approaches.

10. March - I don't dislike March, February, and January at all (which means I don't really truly dislike any of the months, for that matter), but as proven by my list arrangement, I do typically like all the other months better. I do like Winter, but there's just not much happening in these three months. I still enjoy these months, but it can be cold, and school can be busy.

11. February - (See entry on March.)

12. January - I do love New Years, but as mentioned upthread, it doesn't hold much significance much longer after it actually occurs. Also, similar to what I stated in my entry for August, January typically marks the return to school (this time from the Christmas holidays break). This month can also definitely be pretty cold compared to all the others.
Now alternating between different highway shields for my avatar - my previous highway shield avatar for the last few years was US 76.



Max Rockatansky

1.  October; the majority of people with kids are already occupied with shuffling them to school which gives me free rein on week days to go do almost anything unabated.  The weather is good enough that pretty much any area be it high mountains or desert is available to go have fun.
2.  April; basically the Spring version of October but has more places closed. 
3 tie. May/September; usually I don't have deal with the weekend warrior crowd still and most places closed for the winter are open.
5 tie. June/August; I can go do pretty much everything outside but have to compete with annoying crowds even on weekdays. 
7.  November; depending on the year it can be just as opportune as October or just another winter month. 
8 tie.  January, February and March; usually I go to coastal areas on these months.  The lack of sunlight is a drag and usually I have to get up as early as possible to maximize it. 
11.  July; while I can do pretty much any outdoor activity I want it's an busy time at work for me.  So busy in fact I'm kind of restricted how far I can travel and have to worry about someone having a crisis while I'm out of cell phone range. 
12.  December; same level of busy at work but with way less opportunity to escape it for recreation.  Stores, movies and other urban environments are swamped with holiday oriented crowds which gets old fast.  There lots of long family obligations that can get to the tedious level.  Somehow I always get sick from a relative whereas I normally would be fine.


I love Fall weather and football, so:

1 September
2 October (when I lived farther south, the top 2 would have been reversed)
3 November
4 May
5 December
6 June
7 April
8 March
9 February
10 January
11 July
12 August (I really don't like it hot)
Indiana: counties 100%, highways 100%
Illinois: counties 100%, highways 61%
Michigan: counties 100%, highways 56%
Wisconsin: counties 86%, highways 23%


1. Two way tie for first: June and July
3. August (summer is ending)
4. September (usually still comfortable)
5. April (first warm days)
6. October (still not terrible, and leaves are changing)
7. November
8. December (winter hasn't outstayed its welcome yet)
9. March (start of spring)
10. February (it's not last, because it's one month closer to spring than January)
11. January
"Imprisoned by the freedom of the road!" - Ronnie Milsap
See my photos at:

Now I decide where I go...

2018 Ford Fusion SE - proud new owner!


Quote from: TravelingBethelite on November 02, 2019, 12:01:05 PM
1. Two way tie for first: June and July
3. August (summer is ending)
4. September (usually still comfortable)
5. April (first warm days)
6. October (still not terrible, and leaves are changing)
7. November
8. December (winter hasn't outstayed its welcome yet)
9. March (start of spring)
10. February (it's not last, because it's one month closer to spring than January)
11. January


Traveled, plus
US 13, 44, 50
MA 22, 35, 40, 107, 109, 126, 141, 159
NH 27, 111A(E); CA 133; NY 366; GA 42, 140; FL A1A, 7; CT 32; VT 2A, 5A; PA 3, 51, 60, QC 162, 165, 263; 🇬🇧A100, A3211, A3213, A3215, A4222; 🇫🇷95 D316

Lowest untraveled: 25


Quote from: TravelingBethelite on November 02, 2019, 12:01:05 PM
1. Two way tie for first: June and July
3. August (summer is ending)
4. September (usually still comfortable)
5. April (first warm days)
6. October (still not terrible, and leaves are changing)
7. November
8. December (winter hasn't outstayed its welcome yet)
9. March (start of spring)
10. February (it's not last, because it's one month closer to spring than January)
11. January
I'm not sure if you missed the title, or if you're just lacking in basic calendar knowledge.  :D


Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


This one was tougher than I thought: I have my definite most and least favorites; the middle ones were mostly a toss-up:

12. June: Hot, humid, no rain generally. Expensive travel due to obligatory extended family functions. Expensive to cool house.

11. February. Cold enough to freeze in the morning, hot enough to need A/C in the afternoon. Monthly bills sneak up on you due to the short month. Lots of weeds in the yard due to the rains from January.

10. January: Cold, wet, recovering financially from Christmas

9. December: Cold enough to be annoying, lots of travel, Christmas shopping. Bad memories of parents separating and divorcing around Christmas. Trying to please everybody. Too cold to go up to the mountains, and a little dangerous because everyone's hunting for deer.

8. October: Snowbird season begins, dealing with out of state drivers and extra busy stores.

7. July: Lots of free time to go to the high country and enjoy the cooler air, camp, watch fireworks shows. Daughter's birthday; always a fun time.

6. May: Good camping weather for some of the lower elevations.

5. August: Usually monsoon is in full swing, cool enough to get out in the mornings for hikes and picnics with family in the lower elevations, freedom to do so for the first part of the month until school starts up again.

4. April: Weather warms up, Snowbirds start leaving the state, things get back to normal. Almost warm enough to go camping in the lower elevations.

3. September: Back into a routine; weather starts to cool off a little bit, a little expensive due to anniversary but always fun, make good memories.

2. November: beautiful weather, start breaking out the soups and hot cocoa, stay in and watching Netflix or movies. No travel; we only have thanksgiving at our home, guests welcome

1. March. Perfect weather, spring break. Wife makes an awesome St. Patrick's Day dinner. All paydays and bills all fall on the same day as previous month; easy to manage.

Edited to clarify


1. September
self-certified as the dumbest person on this board for 5 years running


Quote from: 1 on November 02, 2019, 02:51:02 PM
Quote from: TravelingBethelite on November 02, 2019, 12:01:05 PM
1. Two way tie for first: June and July
3. August (summer is ending)
4. September (usually still comfortable)
5. April (first warm days)
6. October (still not terrible, and leaves are changing)
7. November
8. December (winter hasn't outstayed its welcome yet)
9. March (start of spring)
10. February (it's not last, because it's one month closer to spring than January)
11. January


I totally forgot May. Today is not my day lmao

1. Two way tie for first: June and July
2. May (best weather of the year imo)
3. August (summer is ending)
4. September (usually still comfortable)
5. April (first warm days)
6. October (still not terrible, and leaves are changing)
7. November
8. December (winter hasn't outstayed its welcome yet)
9. March (start of spring)
10. February (it's not last, because it's one month closer to spring than January)
"Imprisoned by the freedom of the road!" - Ronnie Milsap
See my photos at:

Now I decide where I go...

2018 Ford Fusion SE - proud new owner!


12—10. December, January, and February. (Too cold.)
9—7. June, July, and August. (Too hot.)
6—4. March, April, and May. (Just right.)
3—1. September, October, and November (Just right, and I like the colors.)
I-290   I-294   I-55   (I-74)   (I-72)   I-40   I-30   US-59   US-190   TX-30   TX-6


My list from best to worst:
1. October: My birthday month, plus all four sports are going at the same time, plus some good soccer matches and NASCAR playoffs.  Weather is usually decent.
2. November: Thanksgiving.
3. December: Christmas
4. April: Beginning of baseball season.
5. June: Longest day of the year, sunset is at 9:22 pm.
6. August: Really, July and August are the same for me, but August wins out because of preseason football and NCAA football
7. September: Beginning of NFL Season, but a reminder that summer is about over.  September can be chilly in Michigan.
8. July: Boring and hot, but better than boring and cold.
9. May: Allergies and start of lawn mowing season.
10. March: I can the light at the end of the tunnel for winter, but it gets low marks for being the month of mud.
11. February: Boring, cold, but gets higher marks than January because the Daytona 500 lets me know that I have made it through the worst of winter.  Plus we have our first 6 p.m. sunset of the year.
12. January: Boring, cold, dark.  Only saving grace is college basketball.


Personally, I'm just tired of seeing attempts to turn November into basically pre-December.  Some channels started running Christmas movies in October, for crying out loud.
Internet member since 1987.

Hate speech is a nonsense concept; the truth is hate speech to those that hate the truth.

People who use their free speech to try to silence others' free speech are dangerous fools.


Best to worst

  • October - the heart of my favorite season. Best time to go for hikes in this state; I love the smell of nature dying...err, foliage. Crisp nights and football is in full swing.
  • December - ready for snow and the rest of the Christmas/holiday season. I just hate how it's over so fast after such a long build up.
  • January - if it wasn't my birth month, this one would rank lower. At least the days are starting to get longer by this point.
  • June - the weather is still somewhat cool. School is out, so no fighting the college kids in downtown Madison (getting in/out of restaurants/bars, dodging morons on foot who don't understand traffic lights).
  • September - fewer heat waves and whatever ones we do have aren't always accompanied by high humidity. Football is kicking off and still plenty of daylight after work.
  • May - allergies are becoming less of an issue. Snow is usually done by this point; time for the bike to come out of hibernation.
  • July - Independence Day, State Fair, EAA AirVenture time. It can get hot, but usually still tolerable.
  • August - usually too hot & humid for my liking. No statutory holidays.
  • March - the only reason it edged out February is thanks to March Madness. Definitely sick of snow by this point. Ma Nature's PMS usually starts to show up as well.
  • February - Valentine's Day. Need I say more? Usually starting to get sick of snow and cold by this point.
  • November - aside from Thanksgiving and football, I can't think of anything else good to say about this month. All the leaves are gone and there's a high probability of our first major snowstorm, which would be fine if people would remember how to drive. It's dark when I arrive to and leave work. Between election hype and Black Friday ads, tv is a pain to have on. I wish Christmas talk/music could wait until after Thanksgiving.
  • April - Mother Nature PMSing at its best. Swings from snow to rain to ice. Allergies are usually starting to pick up. No statutory holidays. Taxes are due.
"We gotta find this road, it's like Bob's road!" - Rabbit, Twister


1. October – awesome weather, even though DST (Daylight Stupid Time) makes the mornings a bitch, plus colorful trees.
2. Septmember – best weather, but not as beautiful or invigorating as October.
3. November – sometimes just as good as October, plus Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
4. July – long daylight makes for good traveling, hot temps make for good swimming.
5. August – same as July, but starts to get a little more rain and I get antsy for autumn to come.
6. June – almost as good as July for the same reasons.
7. December – getting really cold now, but Christmas is coming.
8. April – spring weather is finally here.
9. May – outdoor activities become more inviting, but rain often spoils the fun.
10. March – I keep thinking spring is here, and then the temps drop down to 20° again and break my heart.
11. January – not quite sick of winter yet.
12. February – as Garrison Keillor once said, "Nobody's happy in February."
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


Quote from: kphoger on November 04, 2019, 02:13:30 PM
7. December – getting really cold now, but Christmas is coming.
Yep, it's absolutely freezing in Kansas in December.  :coffee:
Good thing you don't live a few hundred miles further north.

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