Route 92

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Illinois 92 transitions from the Centennial Expressway onto a four lane boulevard encircling Downtown Rock Island to the 24th Street bridge to Rock Island Arsenal. 05/25/08

Forming a multi-state route with Wyoming Highway 92, Nebraska Highway 92 and Iowa 92, IL 92 completes a 886 mile course that started in Torrington, Wyoming. Within the Land of Lincoln, IL 92 runs 106 miles from Muscatine, Iowa to LaMoille. Outside of the Quad Cities, IL 92 is generally a rural route serving villages and open farm land.

Illinois Route 92 Guides

Within the Quad Cities, IL 92 has taken several alignments since its initial signing. The first route ran north alongside U.S. 67 to Milan and east on 1st Avenue and Airport Road to then U.S. 6/150 (27th Street) north into Moline. The route turned east from Downtown Moline as it does today along 4th and 17th Avenues. A shift in 1955 took IL 92 west onto 78th Avenue / Andalusia Road / 10th Avenue West from U.S. 67 at Milan, leaving the former alignment as newly designated IL 192. IL 92 shifted a third time in 19801 onto the Centennial Expressway, replacing IL 199 into Downtown Rock Island. The remainder of the route east to Moline was set then as it currently runs today.

The Centennial Expressway runs 4.3 miles northeast from the junction with Interstate 280 in Southwest Rock Island to Downtown along the Mississippi River. The freeway was built in the 1960s as IL 199. Bridges along the freeway across 7th, 18th and 31st Avenues were replaced as part of an $8 million project between Spring 2008 and Fall 2009. The new bridges feature a decorative design topped with small arches resembling the Centennial Bridge.2 Speed limits were increased from 55 to 65 miles per hour on the Centennial Expressway in 2011.3

  1. Routes 81 thru 100, Illinois Highways Page.
  2. "State to replace 3 Illinois 92 bridges." The Quad-City Times, January 8, 2008.
  3. "Drive 65 in Rock Island." The Quad-City Times, April 15, 2011.

    Connect with:
    Interstate 74
    Interstate 80
    Interstate 88
    Interstate 280 Quad Cities
    U.S. 67
    Route 5
    Route 78
    Route 82
    Route 84

    Page Updated 05-16-2018.

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