
About Brent Ivy

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So far Brent Ivy has created 17 blog entries.

Ultimate I-4 Express Lanes Progress

Just shy of its two year anniversary, work on the 21-mile stretch of Interstate 4 to add toll express lanes through the Orlando area is progressing at a steady pace. The Ultimate I-4 project is advancing in various stages along its entire stretch and is still on goal for a 2021 completion. Broken down into four region-based segments, the majority of the work on the $2.3 billion project is being [...]

By |2017-11-28T12:24:52-05:00January 21st, 2017|Florida, Interstate Highways|Comments Off on Ultimate I-4 Express Lanes Progress

1946 Baltimore and 1956 Hawaii Maps

In addition to the recent 1942 Washington, D.C. map we acquired, we got our hands on some other goodies, including a city map of Baltimore, Maryland and a map of the Hawaiian Islands including a Honolulu street map. We'll touch on some of the highlights for the Baltimore map before moving onward to the Aloha state. The Baltimore city map is a Rand McNally base with a date code of [...]

By |2018-01-13T16:47:37-05:00January 26th, 2016|Hawaii, Highways, Maps, Maryland|Comments Off on 1946 Baltimore and 1956 Hawaii Maps

Observations from the road: Quad Cities to Chicago

The last day of our eight day trek through the Upper Midwest took us from the Quad Cities area back to Chicago before heading southward to home. Leaving around lunchtime, we traveled I-74 through Bettendorf and Moline, catching a glimpse of the current utility work being performed in preparation of the I-74 rebuild across the Mississippi River. We then hooked up with I-80 east toward Lasalle and Joliet. [...]

Observations from the road: Minneapolis to the Canadian Border and Fargo

Day four saw the end of our sojourn to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area as it was time to move onward to our next destinations. On this day we traveled along I-94 to Fargo, North Dakota where we hooked up with I-29 north for Grand Forks and a stop near the Canadian border. Fargo remained on the scope as the resting place for day five. Drivers are afforded panoramic [...]

Observations from the road: Minnesota-Wisconsin Loop

Continuing our week-long travels through the Upper Midwest, day three consisted of a loop from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area south on Interstate 35 to Albert Lea, across I-90 to La Crosse and Portage, north along the I-39 & U.S. 51 corridor to Wausau and a return to the Twin Cities by way of Wisconsin 29 and I-94. The first leg of the nearly 750-mile loop took us south along Interstate [...]

By |2018-01-13T17:42:43-05:00July 4th, 2015|Highways, Interstate Highways, Minnesota, U. S. Highways, United States, Wisconsin|Comments Off on Observations from the road: Minnesota-Wisconsin Loop

The new Florida 293

The initial segment of the first phase of the Mid-Bay Bridge connector (Toll Florida 293) opened to traffic on May 12 from the existing toll plaza at the north end of the Choctawhatchee Bay bridge to Florida 20. The second portion of Phase I will open later this summer and will dump local traffic onto Range Road east of Niceville. The following photos were taken May 13 by AARoads. Toll [...]

By |2018-01-13T20:45:16-05:00May 22nd, 2011|Florida, Highways|Comments Off on The new Florida 293

Interchanges rise…

A quick progress report on two local projects, the Florida 85/Florida 123 interchange improvements and the Mid-Bay Bridge connector, part of the Toll Florida 293 bypass around Niceville. The Florida 85/Florida 123 project is slated to be done by summer of 2012 while the Mid-Bay Bridge connector will be completed in stages over the next three years, with a portion of the first phase opening this Thursday, as posted in [...]

By |2018-01-13T20:47:00-05:00May 9th, 2011|Florida, Highways, Maps|4 Comments

2012 Rand McNally – carbon copy of 2011 only not in Clearview…

The 2012 Rand McNally is now out and after a somewhat indepth comparison with the 2011 version I found the following modifications: Mississippi - MS 67 on the main state page is now shown as four-lane for its entire length (was a grey line in the 2011 edition) Missouri - I-64 is now shown as a freeway all the way to I-70< Missouri - US 36 around the town of [...]

By |2018-01-17T13:41:41-05:00April 9th, 2011|Maps, North America|3 Comments

2011 Rand Review

Happened to check the local Wal-Mart after work today and found the 2011 Rand. Here are some of the changes: Symbology changes: Old style exit numbers have been replaced with a green box with white lettering, just like AAA Incorporated and unincorporated places are now differentiated by different town circles. Incorporated places are still the black dot with unincorporated places now being a hollow circle Subtle difference in the shields [...]

By |2018-01-17T14:16:39-05:00April 26th, 2010|Maps, Meta|3 Comments

KY-IN-MI-OH Trip Day 5

Day 5 - Cincinnati to the Gulf Coast A few highlights from the final day of traveling from the Cincinnati area back south toward the Gulf Coast of Florida... The start of the morning has us heading north from the Covington area back into Cincinnati over the Brent Spence Bridge. Opened to traffic in 1963, this double-deck cantilever bridge carries Interstate 71 and Interstate 75 traffic from Kentucky into the [...]

By |2018-01-17T14:29:46-05:00November 17th, 2009|Interstate Highways, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee|2 Comments
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