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Positive feedback like this keeps us motivated to work on and continually expand the site.
I have just found your website and wonder why I hadn’t seen it before? Great site…!!!
The pictures and descriptions on your highway 18 are incredible. They allow me to virtually prepare to take the trip there.
…the New Jersey sections of your site have saved me a number of field trips. Keep up the good work!
First and foremost, permit me to thank you and your colleagues for your excellent website…Keep up the great work!
Great site!! I love it.
What a great web site. I was having a heart attack about driving into NYC via the NJT. Thanks, You have already made my drive easier.
Thanks for your site. I love reading about roads and all that you put on the site.
Thanks – the site has been fascinating for me!
I just used pictures from your site as visual aids to accompany directions from google maps (specifically the highways and exits surrounding Baltimore). Great job.
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate a website like this one…Thank You again for having such a wonderful site! Keep up the great work, your pictures are wonderful!
Hey guys – great site on interstate-guide – It’s well put together and researched and I reference it regularly.
I’m thinking about creating a couple maps for myself and I saw your nice map around Coburg Rd in Eugene. Very professional!
…thank you for the website; i find the history section very informative.
You have a fabulous site here with a great collection of information.
I just looked at your AARoads site and it is incredible.
Huge fan of your site, spent many hours just browsing.
THANK YOU for your work on AARoads; it’s a great resource for the photos and explanations for them.
What a great site you guys have put together!
I discovered your fabulous site by accident today while searching from some old roadmap info as a Christmas present for my boyfriend. He would FLIP over your site info…
I just had to write saying how much I love your site. It’s so comprehensive and complete, and I check frequently for updates! …I also use it before trips as well, to get acquainted with the roads of the specific areas.
I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your convenient highway site, and the effort that must got into generating it.
I’d like to thank you for the information provided by your page on the 405 freeway, was very informative.
I am a Dutch road enthusiast, and came to your website, it’s a great website! It’s got all the information we need!
I found your website tonight and I think it is fascinating!
First off, major kudos on a fantastic series of websites. Your wealth of information is quite amazing!
Great Site! absolutely fascinating.
I enjoy your site. Keep up the good work!
First, let me thank you for a great website – I love it! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who enjoys this stuff.
Thank you for making such a great site!
First let me just say that I love this site. One of my favourite hobbies is planning and going on road trips, and being able to see the signs and interchanges ahead of time makes me so much more confident and relaxed on new roads.
Lovely, useful website! I hope you will update it soon to include the fourth bore of the Caldecott Tunnel.
Thank you for all the help, this site provided. As the eyes get older, the Tomas Guide is almost impossible to decipher. And, MapQuest and GoogleMaps, don’t always provide detail. Allroads covers the bases. I’ll let others know about your site.
Thanks for your time and for an informative page.
Looks like you have an awesome and informative website.