Interstate 180 was the desgination proposed for the Richmond San Rafael Bridge across San Francisco Bay, and the freeway linking U.S. 101 at San Rafael with Interstate 80 at Richmond and Albany. It was approved by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) on June 29, 1978. The route may have been sign, but if so, it was brief. Since there is a State Route 180 through Fresno in Central California, I-180 violated California's number duplication policy. However, Interstate 180 was classified as Route 17 in the state highway system and was mostly signed as State Route 17. FHWA had classified it as FAI 180.
An application to the AASHTO to redesignate Interstate 180 as I-580 was approved on June 20, 1983. The incomplete freeway through Richmond was reclassified as FAP 580. Upgrades to the route were not completed until 1990.
Page Updated 06-21-2018.