Missoula Road and Street Scenes

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Airway Boulevard and Expressway Roundabout
Airway Boulevard looking north toward the roundabout with Expressway near Missoula International Airport (MSO). 11/24/13
Southward view of Airway Boulevard at the Expressway roundabout. The roundabout was officially completed on November 16, 2011 during a ribbon cutting ceremony.1 11/24/13
Expressway east at Airway Boulevard. Expressway widens with a grassy median both leading to and away from the roundabout. 11/24/13
An I-90 trailblazer directs motorists from Expressway west onto Airway Boulevard north to a diamond interchange with I-90, U.S. 93 & MT 200. 11/24/13
Airport Area
Advisory signal and mast arm alerting motorists of the upcoming traffic lights along Broadway Street (Highway 10 West) west at Airway Boulevard and Broadway Street. A carbon copy of it sits eastbound heading in to Missoula. 11/24/13
A U.S. 10 trailblazer directs motorists from Aviation Way onto Johnson Bell Road north from Missoula International Airport (MSO) for the former alignment of U.S. 10 (Broadway Street). 11/24/13
A second U.S. 10 trailblazer resides at the intersection of Johnson Bell Road north at Aviation Way on the grounds of Missoula International Airport (MSO). 11/24/13

  1. "Missoula County marking roundabout completion." KPAX (Missoula, MT), November 16, 2011.

Photo Credits:

11/24/13 by Billy Fortner

Page Updated 11-26-2013.

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