Historic U.S. 30

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Historic U.S. 30 - Biggs-Rufus Highway east
At Biggs Junction, Historic U.S. 30 will meet U.S. 97. While Interstate 84 and U.S. 30 remain on the modern freeway adjacent to the Columbia River, Historic U.S. 30 stays at a slightly higher elevation. Here, eastbound Historic U.S. 30 (Biggs-Rufus Highway) approaches U.S. 97. 08/03/11
Reaching the intersection with U.S. 97, cross traffic does not stop. A quick glance to the right shows that fast-moving traffic comes downhill rapidly, making any movement at this intersection rather dicey. U.S. 97 is a major north-south highway that spans the length of Oregon. Originating at Interstate 5 in Weed, California, U.S. 97 curves northeast into Oregon and heads straight toward Klamath Falls, briefly following a freeway alignment to bypass that city. Continuing north, U.S. 97 passes through foothills and national forest, serving Bend, Redmond, and Madras along the way. While U.S. 197 connects U.S. 97 to The Dalles, U.S. 97 aims northeast toward Yakima, crossing from Oregon into Washington via the Biggs Rapids (Sam Hill Memorial) Bridge. Traveling north, U.S. 97 passes through Washington and ultimately reaches the International Border near Oroville. 08/03/11
Historic U.S. 30 continues east past Biggs Junction en route to Rufus. While U.S. 30 itself is posted on the freeway, much of Old U.S. 30 remains in use for local access (although it is not maintained by the state). 08/03/11
Shortly thereafter, Historic U.S. 30 crosses over Spanish Hollow on this 1935 art deco bridge. Stylized features include gothic arches, engraved columns, and concrete bridge deck. 08/03/11
Historic U.S. 30 - Biggs-Rufus Highway west
Now traveling west, Historic U.S. 30 enters Biggs Junction and prepares to cross Spanish Hollow on a 1935 bridge. The intersection with U.S. 97 is located after the bridge. 08/03/11
Westbound Historic U.S. 30 crosses over Spanish Hollow on this 1935 art deco bridge. Stylized features include gothic arches, engraved columns, and concrete roadbed. 08/03/11
A second U.S. 97 junction sign is posted between the Spanish Hollow bridge and the U.S. 97 intersection at Biggs Junction. Turn left for U.S. 97 south to Madras, Redmond, and Bend. Turn right for U.S. 97 across the Columbia River to Yakima. 08/03/11
Westbound Historic U.S. 30 meets U.S. 97 at this stop sign. To Interstate 84 and U.S. 30, turn right (north) on U.S. 97. 08/03/11
Historic U.S. 30 - Biggs-Rufus Highway scenes
A side view of the Spanish Hollow bridge reveals the age of this historic span. 08/03/11
Ornate features of the 1935 Spanish Hollow bridge showcase the gothic/art deco feel of bridges from this era, including engraved columns at the ends of the bridge railing and pointed arches in the railing itself. Some of these same features can be seen in other bridges built during the 1930s. 08/03/11

Photo Credits:

08/03/11 by AARoads

Connect with:
Interstate 84
U.S. 97

Page Updated 10-26-2011.

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