having finished Norway, here are photos from Iceland – all as I prepare for my trip to Yukon and Alaska. Do we detect a theme here? Arctic Circle or bust!

Iceland will be done in about seven batches, just like Norway – even though I spent only four days in Iceland. And of those four days, here are … none of them.

This set of photos is just the flight between Minneapolis and Keflavík – nothing here from the ground quite yet, but here’s some clouds and some northern lights too!

Clouds at sunset. Not long after having taken off from Minneapolis, so I am figuring somewhere over Ontario.

More clouds. About the same basic location as the first one I started off with.

The last of dusk. The sun has already sunk below the clouds, and likely from the ground it appears to have already set.

And the northern lights! Somewhere over Greenland or so, not that long before dawn. Why yes, I did have fun trying to keep the camera (and the airplane!) steady. Note the Big Dipper at right – this is a fisheye lens shot, processed into rectilinear through the miracle of photoshop, and thus the dipper is far beyond distorted.

Dawn. Just about to break through this cloud cover and land in Iceland!

And here’s Iceland. Just before landing. Don’t mind the red schmutz at stage lower left – I had one Hell of a time avoiding reflections from inside the cabin, because goodness knows they design those plastic airplane windows less for photographic feasibility and more for not getting sucked out of the plane.

next up: actual Iceland!