Interstate 283 constitutes a 3.1 mile loop connector from the Eisenhower Interchange joining I-83 and U.S. 322 south to the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76) outside Harrisburg. I-283 also connects with the freeway along PA 283 east to Harrisburg International Airport (MDT) and Lancaster. The four lane freeway runs through portions of Swatara and Lower Swatara townships.
Prior to 2001, the sequential exit numbering system for Interstate 283 increased from north to south. PA 283 was Exit 2E/W, PA 441 was Exit 1 and the Eisenhower Interchange was Exit 28, using the numbering sequence of I-83.
Interstate 283 was an original entry in the Urban Interstates outlined by the Pennsylvania Department of Highways to the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) on September 3, 1958. The route superseded a portion of U.S. 230 Bypass, which followed parallel Eisenhower Boulevard north from Highspire to U.S. 322/422 at Oakleigh. U.S. 230 Bypass was previously approved by AASHO on October 21, 1951.
| Interstate 283 begins north from the Harrisburg East Interchange with the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76). A cloverleaf interchange (Exit 1) joins I-283 with PA 283 east of Eisenhower Boulevard (SR 3001). Eisenhower Boulevard links with PA 230 (2nd Street) in nearby Highspire. 09/18/04 |
| I-283, in conjunction with I-83 and I-81 north, provides part of a route linking the Pennsylvania Turnpike with U.S. 322 west to State College. 06/24/12 |
| The lone confirming marker for Interstate 283 north was posted beyond the Fulling Mill Road (SR 3002) underpass. It was removed by 2007. 09/18/04 |
| PA 441 arcs northwest from the borough of Middletown along the Susquehanna River to a diamond interchange (Exit 2) with I-283 in Swatara township. 06/24/12 |
| PA 441 (Lindle Road) concludes just west of Exit 2 at Eisenhower Boulevard (SR 3001). Eisenhower Boulevard runs along the west side of I-283 from Highspire north to I-83 at Oakleigh. 06/24/12 |
| The Eisenhower Interchange follows PA 441 (Lindle Road) with Interstate 83 south to the State Capitol. 06/24/12 |
| Interstate 283 concludes in 1.5 miles at I-83 (Capital Beltway) and U.S. 322 (Paxton Street) by the community of Lawnton. 06/24/12 |
| Exit 2 leaves I-283 north for PA 441 (Lindle Road) at Swatara. PA 441 travels south from Royalton along the Susquehanna River to Marietta, Columbia and PA 999 at Washington Boro. 06/24/12 |
| Traveling east toward Hershey, U.S. 322 follows Paxton Street from Eisenhower Boulevard and I-83 at Oakleigh to Rutherford Heights and the borough of Hummelstown. 06/24/12 |
| Left Exit 3A connects I-283 north with Interstate 83 southbound to Downtown Harrisburg, Lemoyne and Camp Hill. 09/18/04 |
| U.S. 322 combines with I-83 north from Eisenhower Boulevard beyond the Eisenhower Interchange with Paxton Street. U.S. 322 overlaps with I-83 north and I-81 south in northern Harrisburg. 06/24/12 |
| Left Exit 3A departs for I-83 (Capital Beltway) southbound. I-83 leads west to PA 581 (Harrisburg) at the York Split Interchange. The Capital Beltway continues along PA 581 (Harrisburg Expressway) to U.S. 11/15 at Camp Hill and I-83 in Hampden township. 06/24/12 |
| U.S. 322 to U.S. 422 joins Harrisburg with Hershey, nine miles to the east. I-83 north connects with Interstate 81 to Hazleton, Wilkes-Barre and Scranton and U.S. 322 west to Lewistown. 06/24/12 |
| Traffic along I-83 south partitions into single lane flyovers at the Eisenhower Interchange for the continuation of the route west toward Harrisburg and the southbound beginning of I-283. 06/21/12 |
| The first southbound reassurance marker was posted ahead of the Chambers Hill Road (SR 3006) overpass near Oakleigh. Eisenhower Boulevard (SR 3001) runs along the west side of I-283 on this stretch. 06/21/12 |
| A diamond interchange (Exit 2) links Interstate 283 with PA 441 (Lindle Road) in Swatara township. 06/21/12 |
| PA 441 (Lindle Road) concludes just west of Exit 2 at Eisenhower Boulevard (SR 3001) near the community of Oberlin. PA 441 south heads through Lower Swatara township to the boroughs of Middletown and Royalton. 06/21/12 |
| Interstate 283 extends two miles south from PA 441 (Lindle Road) to the Harrisburg East Interchange along the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76). 06/21/12 |
| Continuing south, Interstate 283 crosses into Lower Swatara township ahead of the Fulling Mill Road (SR 3002) under crossing. 06/21/12 |
| A cloverleaf interchange (Exit 1) joins I-283 with the west end of PA 283 near Highspire and the freeway leading southeast to Lancaster. 06/21/12 |
| Exit 1B connects with PA 283 west to Eisenhower Boulevard (SR 3001) south to PA 230 (2nd Street) in the borough of Highspire. PA 230 represents the historic alignment of U.S. 230 between Harrisburg and Lancaster. 06/21/12 |
| Exit 1A loops onto PA 283 east ahead of the Airport Connector (SR 3032) south to Harrisburg International Airport (MDT). 06/21/12 |
| I-283 enters a toll plaza for the Pennsylvania Turnpike to the immediate south of the exchange with PA 283. 06/21/12 |
| The loop ramp from PA 283 west to I-283 south by the end shield was removed during 2018-20 construction on Pennsylvania Route 283 in Dauphin County. 06/21/12 |
| The freeway along PA 283 runs 29 miles east to Elizabethtown, Mount Joy and U.S. 30 in Lancaster. 06/21/12 |
| A trumpet interchange joins Interstate 76 beyond the toll collection point on I-283 for the Pennsylvania Turnpike east toward Reading and Philadelphia and west to Carlisle and Pittsbugh. 06/21/12 |
| PA 441 (Lindle Road) north meets Interstate 283 at a diamond interchange (Exit 2) near High Pointe Commons shopping center. 07/01/00 |
| PA 441 (Lindle Road) stems east from Eisenhower Boulevard (SR 3001) and the adjacent exchange with I-283 in Swatara township to Ebenezer and the borough of Middletown. 07/01/00 |
Photo Credits:07/01/00, 09/18/04, 06/21/12, 06/24/12 by AARoads
Connect with:
Interstate 76
Interstate 83
U.S. 322
Route 283
Page Updated 01-14-2021.