Old Trails

Rocky Mountains July ’11 part IV

We pick up in Iowa, where we decide to stop heading east in order to get to New Mexico. We see flooding along the Missouri River, and catch a thunderstorm in Kansas. Minimum maintenance road. Flooding causes standing water. Standing water causes mosquitoes and other insects. A fresh source of food means the dragonflies grow fat and happy. This one was about three inches long, with a five inch wingspan. [...]

Rocky Mountains July ’11 part II

We continue on the Fourth of July trip … across Beartooth Pass we go, on US-212. One of the most scenic drives to be found anywhere. Squeezing in the last of morning light. This sign might very well date back to when US-12 in Wyoming was renumbered to US-212 in 1963! There are very few US-212 shields in Wyoming. About 9500 feet up the pass. This view is in infrared, [...]

By |2018-01-13T20:27:07-05:00July 27th, 2011|Montana, Old Trails, U. S. Highways, Wyoming|1 Comment

Mariposa part II

The second batch of photos from the trip ScottB and I took to Mariposa, in the western Sierra foothills. On this day, we leave the town and head southwards, on 49 and then various county roads, before spurring off on 168 into the mountains a while. Just a little stream, filled with floating vegetation, by the side of a county road just a mile or two from highway 41. An [...]

By |2018-01-13T20:39:09-05:00June 4th, 2011|California, Old Trails|Comments Off on Mariposa part II

Mariposa part I

Photos from last weekend! I took a trip with ScottB to the town of Mariposa, on highway 49, in the western Sierra foothills. We explored old bridges and wildflowers and green hills and what have you, and a grand old time was had by all. here is the first day. By the side of a road called simply “Old Highway”. It is to the southwest of Mariposa, and branches off [...]

By |2018-01-13T20:48:16-05:00May 4th, 2011|California, Old Trails|7 Comments

Roy Reed’s Gas Bash – April 2011

at long last, I am back, with some photos for everyone … highway signs which showed up at Roy Reed’s gas and oil collectible swap meet, and then some scenery from the subsequent days, when I found I had some time on my hands and did a quick trip up to the Bay Area and Sacramento. enjoy! This poor guide sign has been cut into three pieces – and one [...]

Nevada, Dec ’10 part II

the second day of my Utah/Nevada/California trip – this time focusing almost exclusively on Nevada, except for at the end of the day, where we cross into California, and are nearly buried alive in snow. On this day, we cover US-50 in Nevada (the Lincoln Highway), and on the next day we head to California and drive down I-5 through the Central Valley. About 30 miles west of Ely, Nevada [...]

By |2018-01-17T13:45:08-05:00January 2nd, 2011|California, Interstate Highways, Nevada, Old Trails, U. S. Highways|17 Comments

Death Valley, Nov ’10 part II

The second batch of Death Valley photos. We wake up in Beatty, Nevada and then scour Death Valley for at least a little while before realizing that our vehicle is simply not up to the challenge presented by the terrain. Oh noes! We then run for dear life, as we notice the tire pressure slowly sinking, while Jeff’s plane is not catching itself. Our first stop is the abandoned town [...]

By |2018-01-17T13:46:38-05:00November 18th, 2010|California, Nevada, Old Trails|18 Comments

Death Valley, Nov ’10 part I

A trip that JeffS and I took to Death Valley this previous weekend. We rented a big old truck, and in strict accordance with our rental car policy, we did not under any circumstances drive on any dirt roads looking for old highway signs. Jeff even brought a metal detector – just in case we could dig something up. Were we successful in finding old signs? Let’s find out! Be [...]

By |2018-01-17T13:46:59-05:00November 15th, 2010|California, Interstate Highways, Old Trails, U. S. Highways|15 Comments

The Laws Railroad Museum

Some photos, from a visit to the Laws Railroad Museum, in Bishop, California in October, 2010. Enthusiasts of railroads, old highways, and the general western frontier experience are strictly obligated to check it out. the Laws Railroad Museum this is a photo gallery of their highway sign collection. They mainly focus on the Auto Club of Southern California, as they are the ones who signed the Bishop area between 1913 [...]

By |2018-01-17T13:47:44-05:00October 20th, 2010|California, Nevada, Old Trails, Sign History, U. S. Highways|12 Comments

Rocky Mountains Dec ’07 part VII

We pick up in Colorado, December 2007 – where a snowstorm has just subsided, and we thus prepare to cross the Rockies, crossing our fingers hoping that it does not pick up again and render unto us blinding whiteout conditions. Of course, it does. Red rocks in winter. Colorado state highway 149 – just barely on the western side of the Rockies, after we cross on US-50 across Monarch Pass. [...]

By |2018-01-17T09:32:36-05:00September 23rd, 2010|Colorado, Old Trails, U. S. Highways|2 Comments
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